Health IT

Healthcare information (HIT) systems are designed to connect all the elements together for patient data, reports, medical imaging, billing, electronic medical record (EMR), hospital information system (HIS), PACS, cardiology information systems (CVIS)enterprise image systemsartificial intelligence (AI) applications, analytics, patient monitors, remote monitoring systems, inventory management, the hospital internet of things (IOT), cloud or onsite archive/storage, and cybersecurity.

Senior Care

Prior authorization under fire in Inspector General investigation

An investigation from the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) regarding prior authorization requirements in Medicare Advantage (MA) plans revealed concerns about access to care.


Absolute counts of imaging studies have doubled since 2004

A new study found that while the absolute number of imaging studies performed in 2016 was twice the number of studies performed in 2004, the increase is attributable to a doubling in the number of active patients.

Using patient data to predict COVID-19 admissions

“We show for the first time that symptom data can be informative in predicting subsequent regional trends in hospital admissions due to COVID-19," one researcher said. 

radiology reporting EHR health record CDS AUC

Are video radiology reports the wave of the future?

Video reports could play an important role in increasing radiologists’ roles in patient-centered care, experts have suggested. 

Imaging shows COVID vaccines effective at warding off pulmonary embolism

Researchers have found the condition significantly less among patients who received at least two doses of a COVID vaccine.

AI aids coma prognostics, potentially averting withdrawal of care

Deep learning has bested experienced neurosurgeons at predicting poor outcomes, including mortality, among patients admitted comatose with severe traumatic brain injuries.

The American Society of Nuclear Cardiology (ASNC) is asking Congress to repeal the appropriate use software provision mandate, which physicians say is an obstacle to efficient care.

VIDEO: Imaging societies ask Congress to repeal appropriate use decision support mandate

Randall Thompson, MD, immediate past president of the American Society of Nuclear Cardiology (ASNC), explains the current ASNC lobbying efforts.

transgender gender LGBT LGBTQ

Radiology departments are adapting to offer inclusive environments for transgender individuals

Most radiological hardware and software systems now offer gender options beyond female/male classification, a recent analysis shows.