Enterprise Imaging

Enterprise imaging brings together all imaging exams, patient data and reports from across a healthcare system into one location to aid efficiency and economy of scale for data storage. This enables immediate access to images and reports any clinical user of the electronic medical record (EMR) across a healthcare system, regardless of location. Enterprise imaging (EI) systems replace the former system of using a variety of disparate, siloed picture archiving and communication systems (PACS), radiology information systems (RIS), and a variety of separate, dedicated workstations and logins to view or post-process different imaging modalities. Often these siloed systems cannot interoperate and cannot easily be connected. Web-based EI systems are becoming the standard across most healthcare systems to incorporate not only radiology, but also cardiology (CVIS), pathology and dozens of other departments to centralize all patient data into one cloud-based data storage and data management system.

radiology reporting EHR health record CDS AUC

Scaling structured radiology reporting template use across multiple health systems to build a data registry

Pennsylvania imaging experts offered several key lessons learned, including the need to engage rads and continuously monitor data accuracy. 

Study analyzes use of AI to alert patients, physicians to incidental imaging findings

Aiming to prevent delayed or missed care, Northwestern Medicine uses natural language processing to screen signed reports for text that indicates a follow-up recommendation.


Regardless of specialty, female physicians spend more time in the EHR than men

“Our findings provide a potential mechanism for the gender gap in burnout, which has implications for workforce mental health and physician retention,” experts wrote Thursday. 

VIDEO: Creating a telecardiology program

Ami Bhatt, MD, the American College of Cardiology (ACC) chief innovation officer, and former director of telecardiology at Mass General Hospital, explains how to create and manage a cardiac telemedicine program.

quality imaging appropriateness clinical decision support CAS AUC

Application for reporting adverse contrast reactions significantly increases radiologists’ thoroughness

Mass General has piloted the use of a new tool called CISaR (Contrast Incident Support and Reporting) to vastly improve documentation.


Misuse of public imaging data is producing 'overly optimistic' results in machine learning research

 "This research aims to raise a red flag regarding naive off-label usage of open-access data in the development of machine-learning algorithms," experts involved in the study said.


What impact do clinical histories have on radiologists' diagnostic performance?

The availability of clinical histories is beneficial to radiologists but has previously been shown to create bias and increase false positives in some cases.


Urgent CT request slips through cracks, failing to catch metastases prior to doomed liver resection

A watchdog is urging providers to apologize to the now-deceased patient's family and correct weaknesses in image-ordering processes.