Enterprise Imaging

Enterprise imaging brings together all imaging exams, patient data and reports from across a healthcare system into one location to aid efficiency and economy of scale for data storage. This enables immediate access to images and reports any clinical user of the electronic medical record (EMR) across a healthcare system, regardless of location. Enterprise imaging (EI) systems replace the former system of using a variety of disparate, siloed picture archiving and communication systems (PACS), radiology information systems (RIS), and a variety of separate, dedicated workstations and logins to view or post-process different imaging modalities. Often these siloed systems cannot interoperate and cannot easily be connected. Web-based EI systems are becoming the standard across most healthcare systems to incorporate not only radiology, but also cardiology (CVIS), pathology and dozens of other departments to centralize all patient data into one cloud-based data storage and data management system.

Claims review may guide evidence-based approach to contrast-shortage mitigation

Iodinated contrast is most widely used in patients undergoing CT studies for, in descending order, abdominopelvic, chest, head/neck and brain indications.

Cloud technology

Cloud: This Is Enterprise Imaging

Sponsored by Sectra

Medical images have long lived on legacy spinning disk. But healthcare systems are now leaving behind those on-prem, awkward boxes that require too much real estate, IT support and expense. Cloud is the choice to support enterprise imaging. If it feels like healthcare cloud is everywhere, you’re right. And here’s what you need to know to do cloud right.

MRI contact-sport study shows ‘no concussion’ doesn’t mean ‘no brain changes’

Football players whose heads are repeatedly struck but suffer no concussions have white-matter abnormalities similar to those sustained by their concussed peers. 

Deep learning algorithm predicts emphysema mortality

Authors of the study noted that using the algorithm eliminates the issue of subjectivity and time-consuming visual assessments of emphysema.

PACS hack lawsuit tossed

A federal judge has dismissed a class-action lawsuit filed by patients over a data breach at a four-location radiology practice and its countrywide parent company.

New imaging biomarkers emerge for Alzheimer’s and its impairments

Brain MRI of the choroid plexus, the main supplier of cerebrospinal fluid, can deliver independent biomarkers for Alzheimer’s disease without an assist from clinical tests for amyloid abnormality or neurodegeneration. 

AI mammography, prostate imaging algorithms cleared for market

The FDA has OK’d two subsidiaries of Los Angeles-based RadNet to sell medical AI software—one product for diagnosing breast cancer, the other for streamlining MRI prostate reporting workflows. 

breast cancer screening mammography

Malignant architectural distortion ably diagnosed on breast imaging by human-AI combo

Combining ensemble AI models with reads from breast radiologists of mixed experience levels can help health systems consistently diagnose malignant architectural distortion on mammography.