
This channel newsfeed includes clinical content on treating patients or the clinical implications in a variety of cardiac subspecialties and disease states. The channel includes news on cardiac surgery, interventional cardiologyheart failure, electrophysiologyhypertension, structural heart disease, use of pharmaceuticals, and COVID-19.   


Treatment for 'pre-conditions' may pose more risks than benefits

The risks of treating pre-hypertension, pre-diabetes, and similar conditions may outweigh the benefits of doing so, according to Consumer Reports.


Taking BP meds at bedtime slashes CVD risk

The largest study of its kind has found that taking blood pressure medication at bedtime—as opposed to first thing in the morning—lowers heart patients’ risk of death and CV-related illness in the long run.

Atrial fibrillation risk may be higher in American Indians

A study of 300,000 new cases of atrial fibrillation indicates that American Indians may be more prone to the condition than patients in other racial and ethnic groups.


Breastfeeding could keep diabetes, hypertension at bay

Women who breastfeed for more than one year may be less likely to develop diabetes and hypertension.


ACR collaborates with ASTRO on updated radiation therapy guidelines

The American College of Radiology has teamed up with the American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) on updated radiation therapy parameters for clinicians.


Weight gain puts collegiate athletes at risk of CVD

Weight gain during early training causes cardiovascular problems for collegiate football players.


ACR, ASTRO update radiation therapy practice parameters

In total, the groups released seven updated practice parameters that describe recommended procedures and considerations to safely administer radiation depending on practice area.


PTSD may increase risk of TIA, stroke

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) may increase the risk of transient ischemic attack and stroke in middle age.