
This channel newsfeed includes clinical content on treating patients or the clinical implications in a variety of cardiac subspecialties and disease states. The channel includes news on cardiac surgery, interventional cardiologyheart failure, electrophysiologyhypertension, structural heart disease, use of pharmaceuticals, and COVID-19.   

Supplements containing cesium chloride linked to heart toxicity, cardiac arrest, arrhythmias and death, FDA warns

Five companies received warnings from the FDA for illegally selling supplements containing cesium chloride. 


Medtronic announces 2 new TAVR studies, including a head-to-head comparison of Evolut Pro and Sapien 3

A new feasibility study focused on additional patient populations is also in the works.

Holographic imaging coming for COVID, other viruses

Knowing that antibodies as well as viruses bind to certain proteins in certain ways, scientists have come up with a technique to watch both sickness-signaling materials stick to microscopic beads prepared for the purpose.


How to prepare for a COVID-related medical malpractice crisis

The ongoing pandemic has already created countless challenges for healthcare providers—and a medical malpractice crisis could be next.


How much is too much? Older heart failure patients often go home on 10 or more prescriptions

Clinicians should consider the potential negative impact of prescribing so many medications at once, the study's authors noted. 


Valve durability after 5 years: Sapien 3 TAVR outcomes comparable to SAVR

The Sapien 3 prosthesis continues to impress, though researchers must continue to monitor its performance as time goes on.

Alex Azar

HHS officially extends COVID-19 public health emergency again ahead of upcoming expiration date

This is the third such renewal and will prolong the PHE into January, Secretary Alex Azar said. 


TAVR safe for low-risk patients with bicuspid aortic valve disease

More research on long-term outcomes is still needed before TAVR can be recommended for such patients across the board.