
This channel newsfeed includes clinical content on treating patients or the clinical implications in a variety of cardiac subspecialties and disease states. The channel includes news on cardiac surgery, interventional cardiologyheart failure, electrophysiologyhypertension, structural heart disease, use of pharmaceuticals, and COVID-19.   


USPSTF updates recommendations for diabetes screening, advising patients to be evaluated at a younger age

Clinicians, the USPSTF wrote, should work to help any patients diagnosed with prediabetes seek out preventive interventions.


Fewer health plans waiving cost sharing for COVID treatment

Almost three-quarters (72%) of the nation’s biggest health plans have ceased waiving cost sharing for COVID-19 treatment, and another 10% will soon follow suit.


FDA-approved antiplatelet medication may be an effective heart failure treatment

Additional research is still needed, but researchers may have uncovered a new treatment for heart failure.

vaccine syringe covid-19 coronavirus

COVID hospitalization much more likely for the unvaccinated in nation’s second largest metropolis

The CDC recommends an aggressive COVID-19 vaccination strategy to lower the prevalence of hospitalizations and fatalities.


Vaping damages blood vessels at a rate similar to cigarettes

Some newer vaping devices were found to be especially harmful. 

COVID lockdown reopening

Number of TAVR sites has nearly tripled in recent years—but quality issues remain

While the improved access is clearly beneficial, researchers did uncover potential issues that will need to be addressed. 

New self-expanding TAVR system gains FDA approval

A full launch of the new system is scheduled for early 2022. 

Hypertension cases skyrocket around the globe

More than 1.2 billion adults around the world are currently living with hypertension.