
This channel newsfeed includes clinical content on treating patients or the clinical implications in a variety of cardiac subspecialties and disease states. The channel includes news on cardiac surgery, interventional cardiologyheart failure, electrophysiologyhypertension, structural heart disease, use of pharmaceuticals, and COVID-19.   


Cardiologist kills himself after starting antibiotic, prompting coroner to share concerns

The coroner is concerned that the medication's rare side effects do not receive enough attention when it is prescribed to patients. 

Abbott's TactiFlex flexible tip, force sensing ablation catheter (right), and its integration with the EnSite X EP mapping system (left) showing the distance from the last ablation. and the contact force during an AFib pulmonary vein isolation.

FDA clears first ablation catheter with flexible electrode tip, contact force sensing

Contact force-sensing catheters were developed to help overcome the issue of incomplete ablation lesions.


‘Notably high’ rates of PTSD, depression and anxiety seen in patients with implantable heart devices

"Psychologists have had little involvement in the care of cardiac patients but this needs to change," one researcher said in a statement. 

Video of Jon Lindner explaining the use of ultrasound and bubble contrast for therapy.

Cardiac ultrasound could lead to key advances in heart attack care, drug delivery

Jonathan Lindner, MD, offers an update on the use of echocardiography and bubble contrast agents in a therapy role to help revascularize STEMI patients and increase drug and gene delivery.

TricValve Transcatheter Bicaval Valves System and HeartMate II LVAD

Cardiologists shed new light on treating severe tricuspid regurgitation in high-risk heart failure patients

The 80-year-old patient was experiencing severe TR and already had a HeartMate II LVAD. 

COVID causes increase risk of clotting. Example of a pulmonary embolism. CT pulmonary angiograms in a 77-year-old man with COVID-19 and a saddle embolus to pulmonary arteries (black arrow in A) extending into right and left pulmonary arteries (white arrows) in (A, B) axial and (C) coronal planes. Arrowheads show pulmonary changes associated with COVID-19 and possible lung infarction (black arrow in C). (D) Axial image at the level of the ventricles shows right-sided heart strain. RSNA. COVID PE

'Concerning' CT findings may lead to unnecessary hospitalization in PE patients

CT findings that have historically been deemed as concerning relative to PE might not hold as much weight when it comes to associated risks as previously thought, new analysis suggests.


Cardiologist agrees to pay $5M for overstating heart findings to justify unnecessary procedures

The North Carolina physician allegedly performed unnecessary atherectomy procedures to treat minor blockages in the leg arteries of multiple patients.


How a New Hampshire heart surgeon racked up 21 malpractice settlements

A law firm hired to investigate the situation reviewed more than 300,000 pages of documents and conducted more than 250 hours of interviews.