Heart Health

This news channel includes content on cardiovascular disease prevention, cardiac risk stratification, diagnosis, screening programs, and management of major risk factors that include diabetes, hypertension, diet, life style, cholesterol, obesity, ethnicity and socio-economic disparities.

Treating hypertension could slow cognitive decline

Research presented at the American Heart Association’s Hypertension 2019 Scientific Sessions this month suggests having high blood pressure speeds up cognitive decline in middle-aged and older adults—but treating the condition can reverse that possibility.


At-home BP tests more accurate for black patients

Research out of UT Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas suggests at-home blood pressure monitoring is a more accurate approach to CV risk prediction in black patients.


NLA endorses icosapent ethyl for use in high-risk patients

The National Lipid Association has issued a position statement recommending the use of icosapent ethyl for treating patients with atherosclerotic CVD or type 2 diabetes, rooting its endorsement in the positive results of the REDUCE-IT study.


Apple launches a new heart study

Apple announced the initiation of three new large-scale medical studies, including one focused on women’s health, one focused on hearing and one focused on cardiovascular health and movement.


Almost 2/3 of medical students have higher-than-normal blood pressure

Nearly two-thirds of American medical students have higher-than-average blood pressure, according to research presented at the American Heart Association’s Hypertension 2019 Scientific Sessions.


Native Hawaiians successfully lower BP with hula program

Native Hawaiians who struggled to control their high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes benefited greatly from a six-month hula dancing program, researchers reported at the American Heart Association’s Hypertension 2019 Scientific Sessions.


Gut bacteria helps researchers ID new types of hypertension

Preliminary research presented at the American Heart Association’s Hypertension 2019 Scientific Sessions this week suggests gut bacteria could be an indicator of whether someone with high blood pressure also suffers from depression.


Motivational texting helps those with diabetes, CHD control glucose

Motivational text messages could be the key to better glycemic control in patients with both diabetes mellitus and coronary heart disease, according to research out of China.