Patient Care

This page includes news coverage of various aspects of patient healthcare, including new technology innovations, what is working, what is not, personalized medicine and remote and telemedicine delivery. Find specific news in the areas of Care DeliveryDigital TransformationPrecision MedicineRemote Monitoring and Telehealth.

generative ai in education

Ready and willing but not yet able: America’s schools staring down GenAI

The nation’s K-12 teachers and school administrators are intrigued by—yet anxious about—the advance of AI into their world.

New risk score helps cardiologists predict when TAVR patients may require dialysis

Patients who need renal replacement therapy after TAVR are much less likely to survive. Researchers hope their new risk score can help care teams prepare ahead of time for this rare, but potentially fatal complication. 


Is concierge medicine a net plus for US healthcare? Answer depends on perspective

Critics say the model caters to the wealthy while taking primary care physicians out of circulation for everyone else. Not so, respond concierge proponents.

medical debt

Not many hospitals openly promote interest-bearing loans, credit cards for care

Hospitals short on cash are more likely than their financially flush counterparts to offer patients interest-accruing loans or credit cards to pay for their care.

artificial intelligence AI heart cardiology

Cardiologists see value in AI-based plaque assessments

Cardiologists were asked to develop a care strategy for CAD patients before and after using an FDA-approved AI tool to evaluate CT results. In two out of three cases, the AI influenced cardiologists to modify their original plan. 


Q&A: MRI accidents are rare, preventable—but safety standardization and certification are key

Emanuel Kanal, MD, founded the American Board of MR Safety to help develop safety standards for MR practices and to certify practitioners.

covid pandemic immunology

Behind the scenes in COVID research labs, then and now

The past four years have witnessed major advancements in medical science’s drive to unravel the complexities of the human immune system. We have the COVID-19 pandemic to thank for much of the progress. 

change healthcare cyberattack

This week in the Change Healthcare situation: A recap and update in 10 notable quotes

‘I have all kinds of nightmare scenarios playing out in my head, like how am I going to pay my bills?’