Patient Care

This page includes news coverage of various aspects of patient healthcare, including new technology innovations, what is working, what is not, personalized medicine and remote and telemedicine delivery. Find specific news in the areas of Care DeliveryDigital TransformationPrecision MedicineRemote Monitoring and Telehealth.


Study quantifies recent explosion of Twitter activity during cardiovascular meetings

As highlighted by a new study in Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes, the number of tweets related to cardiovascular meeting content has more than tripled in recent years.


Patient engagement falls short as ‘blockbuster drug’ physicians are seeking

Medical organizations across the country are trending toward patient-centered care, incorporating meaningful patient activation and engagement (PAE) into their clinical routines. But, despite a push for more personalized medicine, the majority of physicians and assistants still fail to fully understand what PAE means, and much less how to incorporate it into practice.


Humana hits savings, care goals in ongoing shift to value-based care

In the shift toward value-based care, at least one health insurer is making good on its goals to convert its contracts, according to the fifth annual value-based care report by Humana.


Google Health absorbs DeepMind

The team behind DeepMind’s Streams mobile app and AI medical research ventures is being absorbed by Google, according to a report by CNBC.


AI causing anxiety for some medical students

Though AI is believed to be a game changer in medicine, Canadian medical students interested in radiology still aren’t sure if it will have a positive impact.


AI and big data research projects receive $5M to understand Alzheimer's disease

The National Institute on Aging has awarded a total of $5 million for two projects that will use AI and big data to better understand Alzheimer’s disease and other memory loss diseases.


AI system designed to treat sepsis patients earlier

Massachusetts researchers have developed a predictive model designed to help physicians know when to administer critical drugs to sepsis patients before the condition turns deadly.


Healthcare organizations join blockchain effort to resolve credentialing inefficiencies

Five healthcare organizations have joined a new effort to use blockchain to resolve administrative inefficiencies with professional credentialing.