Patient Care

This page includes news coverage of various aspects of patient healthcare, including new technology innovations, what is working, what is not, personalized medicine and remote and telemedicine delivery. Find specific news in the areas of Care DeliveryDigital TransformationPrecision MedicineRemote Monitoring and Telehealth.

Hospitals leveraging biometrics to identify patients

Amid a major period of consolidation in the healthcare space, health systems have grown so large that using a patient’s name or date of birth isn’t a good identifier anymore. Instead, hospitals are turning to biometric systems, which use fingerprints or other physical characteristics to identify people, The Wall Street Journal reported.


AI shows female brains are 3.8 years younger than male counterparts

An AI algorithm helped determine adult women’s brains are, on average, a few years younger than the brains of males of the same age, according to research published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.


Mayo Clinic partners with IT company Leidos

Mayo Clinic has teamed up with Fortune 500 company Leidos in a strategic collaboration to develop and market tools, technologies and therapeutics to engage patients and families in their care.

White House to take executive action on AI

Reuters reports the Trump administration will take executive action in the next few weeks to ensure the U.S. keeps abreast of research and development opportunities in “industries of the future”—including AI and 5G networks.

Northwell Health integrating AI software into EMRs at 15 hospitals

Northwell Health, a New York-based healthcare network, is integrating predictive AI software into the electronic medical records (EMRs) at 15 of its hospitals to identify patients at risk of being readmitted to the hospital.


AI classifies pediatric elbow abnormalities with 88% accuracy

A deep learning model classified acute and nonacute pediatric elbow abnormalities on radiographs in trauma with 88 percent accuracy, according to new research published in Radiology: Artificial Intelligence


Machine learning could improve clinical predictions in ER departments

Machine learning models could be used to help improve the prediction ability of emergency room (ER) triage methods, after a JAMA study showed the technology was better at making clinical predictions than traditional approaches.


Prior authorization leads to delays in care

Prior authorization that requires physicians to get approval from health insurers for certain drugs, tests and treatments isn’t good for patients, according to a survey of 1,000 practicing physicians from the American Medical Association (AMA).