Patient Care

This page includes news coverage of various aspects of patient healthcare, including new technology innovations, what is working, what is not, personalized medicine and remote and telemedicine delivery. Find specific news in the areas of Care DeliveryDigital TransformationPrecision MedicineRemote Monitoring and Telehealth.


Molecular markers of cancer classified with AI

AI and deep learning can extract molecular markets of breast cancer from tissue morphology and assist pathologists in a mass-scale molecular profiling, according to new research published in JAMA Network Open.


Opioid epidemic may have new nemesis in AI-based ‘deep reinforcement learning’

Deep reinforcement learning enabled by AI can help physicians figure out whether opioids would truly be better than other interventions for patients suffering pain in intensive care units.


Health data for sale online through browser extensions

Seemingly innocuous web browser extensions are actually a gateway for health and other data to be collected––and even put up for sale, according to Geoffrey Fowler, technology columnist for The Washington Post.


How ‘telecardiology’ is helping one Texas hospital treat rural patients

A handful of hospitals in the Texas panhandle are creating a telemedicine network that extends specialist care—including cardiology—to patients in more rural areas of the state.


Respiratory failure, shock primary reasons for cardiac ICU admissions

A study that aimed to characterize cardiac ICU care patterns and outcomes in North America has identified respiratory failure and shock as the predominant reasons for CICU admission—and, despite high resource use, outcomes for many patients were poor.


Lung-care AI company secures $1M from provider-system partner

The venture arm of 32-hospital UnityPoint Health is partnering with VIDA Diagnostics, investing $1 million to fine-tune and broaden the use of VIDA’s AI software for flagging signs of trouble in lung images.


A child’s struggles bring home the promise of AI in healthcare

The power of AI in medicine has come to light in Alabama, where an 11-year-old in medical peril had the good fortune to have a dad who’s an AI-specialized computer programmer working in healthcare.


IBM offering cancer researchers 3 open-source AI tools

Researchers and data scientists at IBM have developed three novel algorithms aimed at uncovering the underlying biological processes that cause tumors to form and grow.