Patient Care

This page includes news coverage of various aspects of patient healthcare, including new technology innovations, what is working, what is not, personalized medicine and remote and telemedicine delivery. Find specific news in the areas of Care DeliveryDigital TransformationPrecision MedicineRemote Monitoring and Telehealth.


5 CV innovations bound to make an impact in 2020

Cleveland Clinic revealed its predictions for the top 10 medical innovations of 2020 on Oct. 23, naming five cardiovascular concepts in the process.


These companies want to see your poop—all in the name of AI

People often stare at their phones while using the restroom, scrolling through emails and social media posts to help pass the time. Now, however, two companies are asking phone-toting individuals to do something else before they flush: snap a quick photo of their poop.


Google parent company in talks to acquire Fitbit

Alphabet, parent company of Google, is reportedly in talks to acquire wearables company Fitbit and has already made an offer, Reuters reported Monday.


Mastercard branches out into healthcare solutions

Mastercard, a financial services company known for its credit card offerings, is dipping a toe into the healthcare space with a product suite designed for healthcare partners.


AI accurately detects melanomas

AI algorithms can identify melanomas in dermoscopic images with an accuracy comparable to human specialists, according to research published in JAMA.


EHR provider Cerner partners with Uber Health

Cerner Corporation, one of the nation’s largest electronic health records platforms, has partnered with Uber Health to improve non-emergency transportation that can be included in the patient record.


Telehealth adoptions, acceptance grows

Telehealth is finally seeing a little more traction in acceptance and use, according to a recent survey from J.D. Power. In fact, telehealth adoption is set to grow as more consumers use the technology and recommend the service to others.


Healthcare algorithm biased toward black patients

Racial bias has been uncovered in health algorithms, negatively affecting black patients, according to new research published in Science.