Patient Care

This page includes news coverage of various aspects of patient healthcare, including new technology innovations, what is working, what is not, personalized medicine and remote and telemedicine delivery. Find specific news in the areas of Care DeliveryDigital TransformationPrecision MedicineRemote Monitoring and Telehealth.


Does size matter? 3 key findings from a new study on developing AI for radiology research

When research teams are developing deep learning models, they have to make certain decisions about the image resolutions used in their work. For instance, should they always aim to use the largest images possible? Or are there times when smaller images can get the job done?  


Dermatologists urged to be more involved in AI research

Dermatologists need to be more involved in the development of AI technologies designed to evaluate skin cancer, according to a new analysis published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology.


Microsoft, IBM, Google cut deals for hospitals’ patient records

Hospitals have partnered with several technology giants, including Microsoft, IBM, Google and Amazon and handed over valuable and identifiable patient information in data deals, according to The Wall Street Journal.


New VR software teaches young athletes about concussions

TeachAids, a nonprofit organization focused on health education, has launched a new virtual reality (VR) program that teaches young athletes how to play safe and properly diagnose and treat a concussion.


CMS to overhaul Medicare comparison tools

CMS is planning to launch a simplified comparison tool for Medicare beneficiaries to find care.


Applying AI to chest x-rays improves care for congenital heart disease

Deep learning-based analysis of chest x-rays can be used to predict the pulmonary to systemic flow ratio of patients with congenital heart disease, according to a new study published in JAMA Cardiology.


Acupuncture now covered by Medicare for lower back pain

Medicare beneficiaries can receive acupuncture to treat lower back pain after CMS finalized coverage on Jan. 21. The treatment was previously non-covered by Medicare and was reviewed by CMS with evidence and examinations of policies of private payers.


Automated analysis tool assesses thyroid nodules as well as radiologists

Researchers have developed a new quantitative framework that evaluates thyroid nodules at a level comparable to two expert radiologists.