Patient Care

This page includes news coverage of various aspects of patient healthcare, including new technology innovations, what is working, what is not, personalized medicine and remote and telemedicine delivery. Find specific news in the areas of Care DeliveryDigital TransformationPrecision MedicineRemote Monitoring and Telehealth.


AI specialists gain CE mark approval for chest x-ray solution

According to the company, its newly approved AI model can play a role in helping hospitals triage patients with suspected COVID-19.


Chat tool helping Intermountain screen, steer possible COVID-19 patients

Intermountain Healthcare, the sprawling 24-hospital system based in Utah, is partnering with a supplier of healthcare-specific virtual assistants to offer patients an automated COVID-19 interface on Intermountain’s homepage.


Apple, Google combining forces over COVID-19: What are these two really up to?

Last week Apple and Google jointly announced a Bluetooth platform for tracing contacts of people testing positive with COVID-19. The tech world has been buzzing ever since.


Ventilator dilemma: ‘Are we comfortable sacrificing this group in exchange for saving more lives?’

The heart of the matter is that more than 8,000 ventilators aren’t in hospitals to begin with. They’re in nursing homes.


AI spots pneumonia in chest x-rays of COVID-19 patients

Researchers have developed an AI algorithm that can scan the chest x-rays of COVID-19 patients for signs of pneumonia.


AI-powered search engine simplifies access to scholarly material on COVID-19

Computer scientists in Canada and the U.S. have built an AI-powered search engine for clinicians and researchers engaged in the battle against COVID-19.


AI senior-monitoring project takes on new import with COVID-19

Stanford researchers had been working for years on an AI-powered system to monitor elderly patients at home when the coronavirus outbreak became a global crisis. Now their work is not just nifty but needed.


ACC, MedAxiom CEO resigns

The move come as “the result of changing personal and family priorities,” according to an official statement from the ACC.