Patient Care

This page includes news coverage of various aspects of patient healthcare, including new technology innovations, what is working, what is not, personalized medicine and remote and telemedicine delivery. Find specific news in the areas of Care DeliveryDigital TransformationPrecision MedicineRemote Monitoring and Telehealth.


Skin lesions best assessed by human-AI combo

AI-aided physicians are better at diagnosing real-world skin cancer than either AI or physicians alone, and the least-experienced clinicians derive the most benefit from the algorithmic assist.

More exposure to AI would make med students less uneasy about radiology

During the fourth, fifth or sixth year of medical school, more than half of students across faculties in Brazil’s largest city believe AI is a threat to the radiology job market.

Face Mask COVID

40% of Americans delaying healthcare due to pandemic

Despite healthcare providers reopening their offices, 40% of Americans say they are still delaying medical care due to the pandemic and risk of contracting the virus.


When demand outpaces supply: 4 key facts about the looming physician shortage

The United States is expected to experience a colossal physician shortage in the years ahead, and new research suggests it will be felt in a wide variety of specialties, including cardiology. 


‘Uniform, actionable information’: ACC, SVS to launch new vascular disease registry

The teams behind the ACC's National Cardiovascular Data Registry and SVS Vascular Quality Initiative will collaborate on the project.


VA deploys chatbot to guide vets through the pandemic 24/7

Working with a software consultancy that operates in 14 countries, the Department of Veterans Affairs has launched an interactive digital assistant to take U.S. veterans’ questions on COVID-19 and related concerns.

AI to combine with imaging and genomics in precision medicine project

A Canadian healthcare AI company is partnering with a DNA analytics outfit in California to explore how genomics can help advance the science of precision medicine.

App detects worsening heart failure for personalized case management

Researchers have demonstrated a smartphone application that monitors known heart failure by listening to patients’ voices for 30 seconds a day.