Patient Care

This page includes news coverage of various aspects of patient healthcare, including new technology innovations, what is working, what is not, personalized medicine and remote and telemedicine delivery. Find specific news in the areas of Care DeliveryDigital TransformationPrecision MedicineRemote Monitoring and Telehealth.

appointment agenda scheduling exam

How machine learning models can predict if patients will show up for appointments

Researchers from Boston Children’s Hospital were able to predict with 83% accuracy if patients were going to be a no-show at the time of their appointment.



Veteran cardiologist Morton M. Mower, co-inventor of the automatic ICD, dies at 89

“I think he was the most brilliant person I’ve ever met," one long-time colleague said. 


Same-day discharge for AFib ablation a success thanks to telehealth

The new analysis, presented during Heart Rhythm 2022, focused on patients treated at a high-volume facility during the COVID-19 pandemic. 


Walmart launches telehealth diabetes program

The program is run by MeMD, a telehealth provider Walmart acquired last year.


Heart failure hospitalizations among young adults are getting more common and more expensive

Researchers examined data from more than 750,000 heart failure hospitalizations, sharing their findings in JACC: Heart Failure

Same-day discharge after LAAO associated with strong outcomes, significant cost savings

A new analysis found that 30-day outcomes do not significantly change when LAAO patients go home the same day as their procedure. 


More than 400 nursing homes expected to close this year

The 400+ closures projected for 2022 are nearly double the next highest year, when 220 nursing homes closed in 2019.

How to improve shared decision-making among vascular surgeons and their patients

Researchers introduced decision support tools to 13 different hospitals, tracking the overall impact on shared-decision making and patient knowledge.