Patient Care

This page includes news coverage of various aspects of patient healthcare, including new technology innovations, what is working, what is not, personalized medicine and remote and telemedicine delivery. Find specific news in the areas of Care DeliveryDigital TransformationPrecision MedicineRemote Monitoring and Telehealth.

Many providers believe POCUS improves care, but some still see it as 'too complex' to incorporate

New survey results offer updated insight into the use of ultrasound from a practitioner’s standpoint.


Diabetes and obesity rates in the US are climbing

Reviewing the records of nearly 13,000 young adults, researchers have found several cardiovascular risk factors increased in prevalence over time.


Adopting new model of quality management improves nursing safety in radiology

The “Plan-Do-Check-Act” approach also helped decrease wait times and adverse events, according to a study published in the Journal of Radiology Nursing

Large study finds high rates of nonadherence to statin recommendations; women especially averse

Many patients who would clearly benefit by lowered LDL cholesterol levels are choosing to forgo first-time recommendations for statin regimens, according to a population-level study. 


UnityPoint Health to merge with Presbyterian Healthcare Services

Both organizations signed a letter of intent to merge in a deal where both would keep their brands and continue to deliver care locally.


Low BMI increases risk of cardiac tamponade during AFib ablation

Also, researchers noted, cryoballoon ablation was linked to a lower risk of cardiac tamponade than radiofrequency ablation. The study included data from nearly 60,000 hospitalizations.


Different tactics required when addressing imaging disparities among American Indian women

For instance, income does not have the same influence on outcomes as other populations, according to new analysis of Medicare data.

Academic envelope-pushers rev up biocomputing, OI and ‘intelligence in a dish’

Does the future of digital healthcare lie with biocomputers powered by engineered cultures derived from human brain cells? If so, it’s already underway in Baltimore.