Patient Care

This page includes news coverage of various aspects of patient healthcare, including new technology innovations, what is working, what is not, personalized medicine and remote and telemedicine delivery. Find specific news in the areas of Care DeliveryDigital TransformationPrecision MedicineRemote Monitoring and Telehealth.

elderly patient using virtual reality TAVR transcatheter aortic valve replacement

Virtual reality during TAVR: Distracting patients linked to key benefits

When patients wear VR glasses during transcatheter aortic valve replacement, they say it helps time go by more quickly and reduces anxiety.

lung cancer screening

More assertive language in cancer screening reports leads to likelier receipt of follow-up care

Patients with Lung-RADS 4A findings who spoke with a clinician by phone were three times more likely to see things through, experts wrote in JAMA Network Open

Shopping Cart ECG electrocardiogram AFib atrial fibrillation

Cardiology at the supermarket: Shopping carts upgraded to detect signs of AFib

Attaching ECG sensors to the handles of shopping carts could help identify signs of atrial fibrillation in patients who don't even realize they have it. 

artificial intelligence healthcare

Industry Watcher’s Digest

Buzzworthy developments of the past few days.


Radiologists read across an average of 5 subspecialties but aren’t always confident doing so

About 40% of rads said they accept studies across all areas of expertise. Yet, less than half are “very confident” reading them. 

artificial intelligence bipartisan regulation congress

Is regulating AI one pursuit that can unite a polarized Congress? 5 reasons to hope so

America’s two major political parties are talking in practical unison about working things out over a common cause.


Top 20 children’s hospitals for cardiology and heart surgery

Did your facility make the cut? For its 2023-2024 list, U.S. News and World Report evaluated data from 119 hospitals and surveyed thousands of pediatric specialists.


Photon-counting technology offers new opportunities in imaging high-risk CAD patients

Coronary CT angiography is commonly used to assess patients at low or intermediate risk of CAD but is less effective in high-risk patients with an increased presence of coronary calcifications and stents due to the “blooming” effect they have on imaging.