Patient Care

This page includes news coverage of various aspects of patient healthcare, including new technology innovations, what is working, what is not, personalized medicine and remote and telemedicine delivery. Find specific news in the areas of Care DeliveryDigital TransformationPrecision MedicineRemote Monitoring and Telehealth.

telemedicine lawsuit new jersey

Physician plaintiff: ‘I shouldn’t have to risk losing my license—or getting jail time’ over telehealth visits

When policymakers eased rules and restrictions governing telemedicine in 2020, many patients and their doctors saw the change as one shiny silver lining in the very dark cloud that was the COVID-19 pandemic. Unfortunately for them, that period has passed. 

veterans health administration efficiency

Why is VA medicine more efficient than civilian healthcare? Because ‘caring—not money—is our mission’

If private hospitals and clinics mimicked the staffing strategies of the Veterans Health Administration, the former would employ almost a million fewer nonclinical workers.


No place like home: Acute care delivered at home safe, effective

The findings, from a team at Mass General Brigham, provide compelling evidence before the expiration of AHCaH waiver in December.


Advocates warn of supply chain 'crisis’ that could hamper MRI availability

The administration is reportedly mulling a sale of the Federal Helium Reserve System, a move that could hinder the flow of helium to imaging providers. 

ICE-guided Watchman procedures linked to safety concerns—is TEE better for LAAO or will things improve?

TEE and ICE are each associated with certain advantages and disadvantages, researchers explained. The new analysis included data from nearly 40,000 patients.

bloomberg healthcare workforce training

Philanthropic foundation to spend $250M training tomorrow’s healthcare workers across 10 cities

A new model of healthcare workforce training emphasizes recruitment and training of teenagers starting in 10th grade.

Craig Sable Children's National Hospital AI echo

AI spots signs of rheumatic heart disease in echocardiograms as well as cardiologists

Researchers think this represents a potential breakthrough for low- and middle-income countries where access to high-quality imaging evaluations is still limited. 

healthcare workers and artificial intelligence

Industry Watcher’s Digest

Buzzworthy developments of the past few days.