Digital Transformation

This evolution of healthcare involves using technology to improve diagnosis, treatments, monitor patients, enhance hospital operations and culture, and bolster consumer-focused care. This includes virtual reality tools, wearable devices, workflow software, health apps and other digital health tools.

Artificial intelligence AI in healthcare

Industry Watcher’s Digest

FDA commissioner Robert Califf recently suggested the agency may need to double its workforce. And that’s just to oversee AI. 

FDA Digital Health Advisory Committee

FDA taking the long view of generative AI in healthcare

The FDA’s fledgling Digital Health Advisory Committee (DHAC) only held its first meeting last week, but it has already committed its thinking to writing. 

artificial intelligence AI in healthcare

Industry Watcher’s Digest

An influential industry group, AdvaMed, really likes President-Elect Trump’s choice of Dr. Oz for CMS administrator. 

patient engagement satisfaction

5 ways to let AI raise patient satisfaction, elevate provider performance

It’s been years since AI proponents started promising big returns on healthcare providers’ investments in the technology. The results have yet to catch up with the pitches. What’s the holdup? 

artificial intelligence AI in healthcare

Industry Watcher’s Digest

Black-box outputs aren’t just a problem with AI. They’re also a problem with physicians. 

artificial intelligence AI life sciences biopharma

When life sciences met artificial intelligence

The pace of AI adoption is quickening in the sector, which includes biopharmaceuticals, digital health, clinical diagnostics and medical devices.

artificial intelligence AI in healthcare

Industry Watcher’s Digest

Working with Medicare Advantage insurance plans is like playing poker in the Wild West. And it’s gotten a lot harder to win since the cowboys started using AI. 

AI artificial intelligence in healthcare

AdvaMed itemizes AI imperatives for ‘the entire healthcare ecosystem’

If you work with healthcare AI, you owe it to patients, families and communities to keep certain principles top of mind in everything you do.