
This page includes content on healthcare management, including health system, hospital, department and clinic business management and administration. Areas of focus are on cardiology and radiology department business administration. Subcategories covered in this section include healthcare economics, reimbursement, leadership, mergers and acquisitions, policy and regulations, practice management, quality, staffing, and supply chain.

New Year’s Resolutions

With the new calendar year comes the annual opportunity to make our New Year’s resolutions. While these generally tend to be personal pledges for self-improvement such as going to the health club more, getting more organized, or eating better, why not use the fresh year to make some organizational pledges? Here are a few we feel will be essential

The Importance of the Marketing-Operations Synergy

Twenty plus years ago, as imaging gradually began its trek away from hospital environs, outpatient services rarely included a market effort. Today, outpatient imaging marketing is more than a rapid-report cannon fire in the war of what’s new. It boasts brand, distinction, top-of-mind awareness, and positioning. Back then, if there was a marketing

Denial, Disbelief, and Anger

One can no longer sugarcoat or deny the fact that radiology is a profession under siege. Many of those that I met with this past year across the country were scrambling simply to make sense out of the DRA cuts and in the process find ways to offset the financial hit. Most were a little stunned but held out hope that our industry representation in

Washington Update: Physicians, 1, Imaging Centers, 0

Physicians received yet another reprieve when the Senate's final act before adjourning was to pass a broad tax and trade bill, 79-to-9, that contained the hope-for fix of the scheduled 5.1 percent cut in physician reimbursement.

Building an Emergency Responder Magnet Safety Program, Part II

Last month we presented a case for proactively training external emergency response personnel in magnet safety, and this month, in Part II, we outline how to develop such an education program for your community. The objectives of your program should be to:

Latest IMV CT Census Shows the Rapid Evolution of CT Technology

(Des Plaines, IL – November 6, 2006) – According to IMV Medical Information Division's recent census of CT sites in the U.S., an estimated 62.0 million procedures were performed in 7,650 hospital and non-hospital sites in 2006. This represents a 24% increased from 50.1 million procedures in 2003, for an average annualized rate of 8% per year over

Noted Author Describes "A Whole New Radiology"

In the many strategic planning retreats that I have facilitated for radiology groups during the past couple of years, I have used as a basis for generating strategic and visionary thought a remarkable book whose author outlines a vision of our society's transformation—and the implications for medicine—to an age of heightened creativity and an

Squeezing Blood from a Turnip

There are several reasons to offer mammography in a freestanding imaging center, although profits are not usually one of them. Mammography brings decision-makers—women—to the center and many payors are beginning to demand a full range of imaging services from a site before letting it into their networks. And while many practices dismiss mammography