
This page includes content on healthcare management, including health system, hospital, department and clinic business management and administration. Areas of focus are on cardiology and radiology department business administration. Subcategories covered in this section include healthcare economics, reimbursement, leadership, mergers and acquisitions, policy and regulations, practice management, quality, staffing, and supply chain.

Latest IMV CT Census Shows the Rapid Evolution of CT Technology

(Des Plaines, IL – November 6, 2006) – According to IMV Medical Information Division's recent census of CT sites in the U.S., an estimated 62.0 million procedures were performed in 7,650 hospital and non-hospital sites in 2006. This represents a 24% increased from 50.1 million procedures in 2003, for an average annualized rate of 8% per year over

Noted Author Describes "A Whole New Radiology"

In the many strategic planning retreats that I have facilitated for radiology groups during the past couple of years, I have used as a basis for generating strategic and visionary thought a remarkable book whose author outlines a vision of our society's transformation—and the implications for medicine—to an age of heightened creativity and an

Squeezing Blood from a Turnip

There are several reasons to offer mammography in a freestanding imaging center, although profits are not usually one of them. Mammography brings decision-makers—women—to the center and many payors are beginning to demand a full range of imaging services from a site before letting it into their networks. And while many practices dismiss mammography

The Case for Emergency Responder Magnet Safety, Part I

You run a sound MRI operation with employees well trained in magnet safety, but have you ever thought about the scene following a fire alarm being pulled? Imagine several imposing, fully geared firefighters bursting through the door unabated, wielding axes, and completely unaware of the invisible danger generated by your MRI scanner. Why is this

The CRO: On Reimbursement Watch

Sometimes I joke with people who ask me what I do for a living. “I am a crow,” I reply. I recently joined the administrative team of Inland Imaging in Spokane, Washington, and fill a slightly different and (hopefully) value-added role for the company. While most Spokanites have heard of Inland Imaging and many industry insiders across the country

Financing Challenges for the Post-DRA Era

The pending implementation of the DRA reimbursements cuts has been looming over the diagnostic imaging industry for the past year. Although there has been hope for a fourth quarter moratorium on the implementation on these cuts, we encourage all those to be effected to manage their business planning under the assumption that the DRA cuts will be

The Old New Competitive Weapon

It was sometime during the spring of 1985 when I had the chance to meet in Boston with the person who coined the term CIO. Bill Sinnott was at the time was one of the only Chief Information Officers in the country and from his vantage point at the Bank of Boston he had written an intriguing book on the subject. I had the opportunity to interview

Be Mindful of the Stark Law in CCTA Alliances

Numerous radiology groups are currently discussing arrangements whereby cardiologists and the radiologists would essentially split the responsibilities for reading coronary CT angiography (CCTA) studies. Most commonly, as proposed, the cardiologists would read and generate a signed interpretation report, but limited to the cardiac portion of the