
This page includes content on healthcare management, including health system, hospital, department and clinic business management and administration. Areas of focus are on cardiology and radiology department business administration. Subcategories covered in this section include healthcare economics, reimbursement, leadership, mergers and acquisitions, policy and regulations, practice management, quality, staffing, and supply chain.

Vermont Radiologists Lobby Against Medicaid Pay Cut

Vermont radiologists made their opinions known about a proposed 21% cut to Medicaid reimbursement, and the legislature lowered the reduction to just 2%.

The 100 Largest Private Radiology Practices

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Welcome to the fifth annual radiology-group survey results. A different approach in gathering information was used this year. In the past, the survey was 100% based on submissions provided by the groups themselves. This year, the Radiology Business Journal staff researched the practice market and sought out large groups, asking them to submit information. Some entries were based on information taken from the groups’ websites. The results look complete and do represent the largest 100 radiology groups owned by radiologists in the country.

Johns Hopkins Researchers to Use Imaging to Detect Cancer in Cells

Researchers at Johns Hopkins will begin searching for new ways to detect cancers in the earliest stages within cells using advanced imaging techniques.

Brain Imaging More Effective to Measure Huntington Disease

Brain imaging techniques could be the most effective way to measure the progression of Huntington Disease, according to a study published this month in The Lancet.

Breast Cancer Patients Face More Imaging Today

Compared to the early 1990s, women with breast cancer today undergo many more imaging tests during the course of their treatment, according to a recent study reported by

DiagnosisOne, Allscripts Agreement to Ease Quality Reporting

Radiologists that use Allscripts Professional EHR will have a new tool to participate in a number of government and private sector rewards programs due to a new agreement with DiagnosisOne.

Physicist Association Calls Radiation Fears "Alarmist Speculation"

The American Association of Physicists in Medicine issued a statement this week saying radiation harm from typical imaging devices virtually doesn’t exist.

House Agrees to Two Month Doc Fix

Physicians get another two months to rest easy when it comes to the looming 27.4% cut to Medicare physician reimbursements next year.