
This page includes content on healthcare management, including health system, hospital, department and clinic business management and administration. Areas of focus are on cardiology and radiology department business administration. Subcategories covered in this section include healthcare economics, reimbursement, leadership, mergers and acquisitions, policy and regulations, practice management, quality, staffing, and supply chain.

Cardiologist ends hunger strike after 20 days—but he is still putting up a fight

Professor Om Shankar, who lost his hospital leadership position as a result of the strike, is now forming a committee with like-minded protesters to “spread the agitation all across the country.”

AMA chart showing Medicare update payments compared to the cost of practice inflation between 2001-2024. The ongoing AMA PPI survey will be used top recalculate radiology practice expenses, but only 10 practices so far has submitted data that will impact all radiology practices.

Only 10 radiology practices completed survey used to adjust Medicare payments

The ACR shared its concerns about the lack of participation as the deadline approaches. 

money business cash flow dollar

It’s official: Johnson & Johnson completes $13B Shockwave Medical acquisition

The deal, first announced in April, has been finalized. Shockwave will now operate as a business unit within Johnson & Johnson MedTech, and its common stock is no longer trading on NASDAQ.


Nearly two-thirds of consumers surveyed say they’d trust a diagnosis from AI over a human doctor

“This result indicates a significant shift in public perception and trust toward technology,” according to new survey data from consumer research firm Innerbody. 


Authorities scold provider for failing to relay results from X-ray unearthing deadly lung cancer

An initial exam pinpointed nodules in both of a woman's lungs, but providers failed to promptly relay the results and she died months later. 

Imaging advocacy group finds solution to ‘significant obstacle’ fueling shortages of PET/CT professionals

Demand is growing for the modality, but provider groups, particularly those in private practice, have struggled to meet state regulatory requirements. 

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Buzzworthy developments of the past few days.

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5 workforce and automation trends to reckon with in the early generative AI era

Weighing opportunities vs. challenges presented by AI and automation, business analysts have found Europe and the United States in pretty much the same boat.