Practice Management

Practice management involves overseeing all business aspects of a medical practice including financials, human resources, information technology, compliance, marketing and operations.

Digital pathology: Is it if or when?

While digital pathology holds great promise, it still faces great challenges, according to a new study published Oct. 1 from Signify Research.


Breast density reporting laws increase awareness, patient-physician conversations, supplemental screenings

Breast density reporting laws in the U.S. increase breast density awareness and ignite conversations between women and their physicians about additional screening, according to research published online Oct. 1 in the Journal of the American College of Radiology.

Radiation exposure: How much is too much?

How much exposure is too much when it comes to radiation? Though Americans receive more than 85 million CT scans annually—compared to three million per year in the 1980s—there’s no formula to answer how much radiation exposure is extensive.


Cancellations of more than 250K VA imaging exams put veterans’ lives at risk

The Department of Veteran’s Affairs (VA) inspector general is auditing mass cancellations at eight VA medical centers to determine if the VA processed radiology requests in a timely manner and if more than 250,000 cancelled requests—some of which may have been necessary—were managed appropriately.


How tele-ultrasonography diagnosed TB in Malawian HIV patients

A group of Malawian medical practitioners, including physicians and radiographers, utilized ultrasound and tele-ultrasonography to diagnose tuberculosis in patients with HIV with 92 percent proficiency, according to recent research published in the Journal of the American College of Radiology.


18F-FDG PET-CT reveals 33% of previously undetected male breast cancer

New research published in the Journal of Nuclear Medicine suggests a 18F-FDG PET/CT scan reveals previously undetected breast cancers in male patients with pre-PET/CT stage IIB breast cancer, and in patients with stage III breast cancer.


Researchers find significant value in second opinions from a multi-disciplinary tumor board

Second opinions from a multi-disciplinary tumor board (MTB) at a National Cancer Institute (NCI)-designated cancer center changed the diagnosis of 43 percent of breast cancer patients, according to a new study published in the Annals of Surgical Oncology.


Phase-contrast CT helps researchers see Egyptian mummy up close and personal

Researchers have imaged the soft tissue of an Egyptian mummy’s hand using phase-contrast CT, according to research published in Radiology. What does this mean for medical researchers going forward?