
This channel provides news on management of staff and proper staffing levels for safe, high-quality healthcare system. Physician and clinician workforce shortages have become growing challenge for hospitals, with burnout also now affecting nearly all medical workers. Topics include medical staffing issues, statistics, compensation how to improve clinician morale and the workplace environment, and ways to combat clinician burnout.

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Harvard pilots ‘IR-Peer,’ a new team-based learning system for interventional radiology

The HIPAA-compliant platform launched in April 2022, providing a forum for IR pros to discuss clinical complications and learn from one other. 


Private equity-backed LucidHealth touts new 2-year partnership track for its growing teleradiology group

Since 2020, the “virtual practice” has grown to include more than 75 physicians operating across 47 states, with leaders seeking to hire more.


Surging demand prompts school to resurrect long-dormant radiologic technologist program

Midland College discontinued its rad tech offerings more than a decade ago amid declining enrollment and increasing costs.  

Video of Ritu Thamman, MD, University of Pennsylvania, leads a Women in Echo session on workplace bulling in the cardiology workplace at ASE 2023. Photo by Dave Fornell #ASE #ASE2023 #WOMENINECHO

How to deal with workplace bullying and discrimination in cardiology

Ritu Thamman, MD, provided an in-depth look at some of the issues women still encounter in the cardiology workplace, including bullying and barriers to promotion.

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Private equity-backed US Radiology Specialists launches daytime teleradiology practice to recruit physicians seeking flexibility

Connexia aims to address growing demand for outpatient imaging, along with shifting desires from some radiologists, USRS said.

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Radiology the 3rd most sought-after specialty among healthcare employers

AMN Healthcare received 155 search requests for such specialists, behind only family medicine (279) and NPs (420), according to a recently released report.

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Surgeon sues hospital after being fired for discussing TAVR concerns with media

The vascular surgeon was fired after telling the media about a cardiologist who allegedly performed transcatheter aortic valve replacement without the proper credentials. He is now suing the hospital for wrongful termination and defamation.

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6 takeaways from the latest ACR/RBMA Workforce Survey

The survey received more than 1,700 responses, exploring topics such as practice ownership, part-time duties, and women's preference for working in academic settings.