
The focus of quality improvement in healthcare is to bolster performance and processes related to diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. Leaders in this space also ensure the proper selection of imaging exams and procedures, and monitor the safety of services, among other duties. Reimbursement programs such as the Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) utilize financial incentives to improve quality. This also includes setting and maintaining care quality initiatives, such as the requirements set by the Joint Commission.


Specialists still seeking the best way to measure performance in diagnostic radiology

Effectively and accurately measuring the performance of diagnostic radiologists has been a significant challenge for many years now, a puzzle that specialists within the industry have yet to solve.


Researchers study the effectiveness of self-compression during mammography

Self-compression during mammography does not lead to a rise in patient discomfort or a drop in image quality, according to new findings published in JAMA Internal Medicine.


Fake pharmacist handled 700,000 prescriptions at Walgreens

An individual who signed off on or dispensed more than 745,000 prescriptions over roughly a decade at three Walgreens stores in the Bay Area was not a licensed pharmacist, The LA Times reported.

Online reading material about breast lesions too advanced for many adults to understand

Online patient education materials on breast lesions requiring surgery may be too advanced for the general public to understand, according to new research published in Radiology


Johns Hopkins All Children’s on brink of losing Medicare funding

Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital in St. Petersburg, Florida, could lose its Medicare funding if it doesn’t shape up after a recent inspection found serious problems at the institution, The Tampa Bay Times reported.


Radiologists receive frequent criticism because their role is widely misunderstood

In a recent opinion piece published online in the Toronto Star, Ontario-based diagnostic radiologist Andrew Chung, MD, wrote that radiologists have been a frequent target of criticism recently because their role is misunderstood by the media, the public and even their fellow colleagues.

VA proposes changes to standards of care

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) announced a proposal to change access standards for community care and urgent care by allowing veterans to seek care with the VA or other community providers.

Burnout survey to examine 1M shift hours from physicians, including radiologists

Lightning Bolt Solutions, a company that specializes in AI-based physician shift scheduling technology, has announced a new one-year study that will evaluate one million physician shift hours as part of a larger effort to understand the root causes of physician burnout.