
The focus of quality improvement in healthcare is to bolster performance and processes related to diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. Leaders in this space also ensure the proper selection of imaging exams and procedures, and monitor the safety of services, among other duties. Reimbursement programs such as the Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) utilize financial incentives to improve quality. This also includes setting and maintaining care quality initiatives, such as the requirements set by the Joint Commission.


Self-compression during mammograms reduces patient anxiety

Self-compression during screening mammograms improves the overall patient experience, according to a new study published in the Journal of Breast Imaging. Could this help keep women up to date with their recommended screening schedule?  


High percentage of radiology malpractice claims originate in emergency department

Nearly half of all radiology malpractice claims involve patients treated in the emergency department (ED), according to a new study published in the Journal of the American College of Radiology.


CEDM shows promise as breast cancer screening tool for high-risk women

Contrast-enhanced digital mammography (CEDM) could be an effective alternative to full-field digital mammography (FFDM) for screening women at an elevated risk of breast cancer, according to new findings published in Radiology.


Illinois ties one death to vaping

A death in Illinois from pulmonary illness has been linked to the use of e-cigarettes, or vaping, according to the CDC. The Illinois patient is the first death reported amid an outbreak of lung illness that is somewhat mysterious but tied to vaping.


Top 10 harms patients experience in hospitals

Medical mistakes are one of the leading causes of death in the U.S., and patients can experience harm when they are seeking care at hospitals. Knowing how patients are being harmed is crucial for healthcare providers to improve quality of care and outcomes.


CDC to investigate lung diseases associated with vaping

The CDC is helping a handful of Midwest states investigate a “cluster” of lung diseases related to e-cigarette use, the agency announced Aug. 17.


How those hospitals rankers stack up

Various sources publish annual or semi-annual rankings of top-performing hospitals, but those lists can actually be misleading, especially when they offer conflicting results, according to an article published in NEJM Catalyst.


Illinois requires insurance to cover EpiPens for kids

Illinois became the first state to require insurance companies to pay the costs of EpiPen injection medicines for children 18 and younger.