Policy & Regulations

This channel includes news coverage of healthcare policy and regulations set by Congress, the states, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and medical associations and societies. 


ICD-10 is finally happening

There were multiple delays. There were conflicting survey results on whether healthcare organizations were adequately prepared. There was end-to-end testing, guidance, tools and much debate.


Will Connecticut fix its budget woes on the backs of radiology patients?

Earlier this year, Connecticut cut Medicaid reimbursement rates for OB-GYN and radiology. In June, the Nutmeg State’s general assembly voted to restore the former in large part but the latter barely at all. Some say the radiology cut—$4.45 million, a whopping 42.5%—will block access to care for many patients who need it most.

AdvaMed, MDMA & MITA commend House passage of legislation to repeal the medical device tax

The Advanced Medical Technology Association (AdvaMed), the Medical Device Manufacturers Association (MDMA) and the Medical Imaging & Technology Alliance (MITA), a division of National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA), today commended the House of Representatives for passing legislation to repeal the medical device excise tax. The legislation, H.R. 160 “The Protect Medical Innovation Act,” passed with a vote of 280 to 140.

Health-policy docs issue call to action against physician self-referral

There are two schools of thought on physician self-referral. On one side are supporters who see the practice as a harmless means of streamlining care for patients. On the other are detractors who consider it a cynical form of capitalism run amok in healthcare.


Tucking into 2015 to-do list, MITA hires new policy director and takes aim at tax repeal—for starters

“The repeal of the medical device tax is our number one priority for 2015. We are really hoping this is the year we see it repealed.”


ACR’s Peters weighs in on multitude of docs facing MU penalties

Last week CMS announced that more than 257,000 physicians—that’s more than half of all docs treating Medicare patients—will be docked 1 percent in 2015 for failing to meet their 2013 Meaningful Use goals. The fallout from the federal program’s critics was swift and pointed. This week imagingBiz asked ACR to weigh in on behalf of radiologists. 


New survey shows ICD-10 readiness growing, albeit more slowly among smaller provider orgs

Smaller healthcare providers are struggling to catch up with their larger counterparts, but across the board more organizations are embracing the 10th revision of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD-10) for medical coding compared with a year ago. 


Weathering the CMS processing freeze on FDG PET: Tips and pointers

Medicare’s temporary freeze on payments for certain PET scans of solid tumors, which began Oct. 6 and won’t end until Nov. 11, came as no surprise. The agency announced last spring that it needed time to test and edit this part of its claims-processing system.