Policy & Regulations

This channel includes news coverage of healthcare policy and regulations set by Congress, the states, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and medical associations and societies. 

Low back imaging: All-in-one MR makes strong showing vs. added CT

Two emerging MRI techniques show promise as all-in-one imaging tests for patients with pain in and below the lower back due to changes in the sacroiliac joint.


Radiology operation loses standing to provide mammography services

The FDA is warning patients and referrers about an imaging business near the nation’s capital that has fumbled away its mammography accreditation.

The most successful case to date of a pig organ being transplanted into a human occurred back in January, when specialists at the University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC) in Baltimore transplanted a modified pig heart into 57-year-old David Bennett. The FDA approved the heart transplant transplant through an emergency authorization typically reserved for experimental procedures seen as a patient’s last chance at survival. Bennett did die of heart failure two months later, but UMMC specialists had been “

FDA may allow clinical trials of pig organ transplants into human patients

The FDA would approve trials on a case-by-case basis, according to an anonymous source close to the situation. 


How the Supreme Court's environmental ruling impacts healthcare

The Supreme Court has issued another landmark ruling, rolling back authorization of the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) ability to regulate greenhouse gas––and the healthcare industry isn’t happy about it.


Judge says Apple violated ECG patents, making U.S. import ban of Apple Watches a possibility

A judge from the U.S. International Trade Commission has said Apple violated multiple AliveCor patents. This story, however, is far from over.


HHS issues privacy protection guidance after SCOTUS Roe decision

The SCOTUS decision threw patient privacy protections into question, as the ruling gave states the ability to criminalize receiving and providing abortions. Many are now wondering if health information apps could put them at risk.

Monkeypox update: Biden administration plans to have 1.6M vaccines available by year's end

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced its strategy to vaccinate and protect those most at risk from monkeypox, a rare disease in the same family as smallpox.

Image interpretation vs. workflow interruption: Quantified, analyzed, strategized

Upon commissioning a business process improvement team to meticulously track interpretative uptime, a 13-radiologist group learned its members had been spending nearly as many hours navigating interruptions as reading images.