Revenue & Reimbursement

Healthcare reimbursement is payment that a hospital, diagnostic imaging facility, subspecialty department or healthcare providers receive for performing a service. This also includes individual radiologist or cardiologist reimbursement and billing and coding rules for submitting claims.

Medicare money payment reimbursement dollar decline george washington

Doctors sound alarm over ‘dangerous’ payment cuts in proposed Medicare Physician Fee Schedule

According to the new proposal, the 2025 conversion factor would be $32.36, down approximately 2.8% from 2024. SCAI, MGMA and other groups have already stepped forward with warnings that these cuts could do significant damage to patient care. 

Jim Melton, DO, vascular surgeon and co-founder of the CardioVascular Health Clinic in Oklahoma City, explains the use of mobile outreach cardiology clinics to help rural and Native American populations.

Mobile cardiology clinic reaches rural, Native American populations in Oklahoma

Jim Melton, DO, a vascular surgeon in Oklahoma City, explains his efforts to reach patients in rural Oklahoma and Native American tribes with a mobile cardiovascular clinic program.

AMA graphic showing Medicare payment inflationary updates for most providers, but not physicians. #AMA #medicarereform

AMA: Community practices unsustainable with low Medicare and Medicaid physician payments

The American Medical Association says payment policies are challenging the viability of smaller physician practices, which will eventually cause healthcare access issues.

Jason Wasfy, MD, associate professor at the Harvard Medical School and director of quality and outcomes research, Massachusetts General Hospital Heart Center, spoke at the Heart Rhythm Society 2024 meeting in the business of cardiology sessions about the current and future models of value based payments.

Value-based care gives cardiology practices an opportunity to thrive

Value-based payments can impact cardiology practices in many ways, helping cardiologists acquire new technology and boost patient care.

AMA will aggressively support permanent telemedicine reimbursement

The American Medical Association said it will lobby for an indefinite extension of Medicare reimbursement for telemedicine services, fighting a Dec. 31, 2024, sunset date.

The ASNC team at the 2024 AMA meeting, Georgia Lawrence, JD, ASNC director of regulatory affairs; Suman Tandon, MD, FASNC, delegate to the AMA HOD and cardiac imager at NYU Langone; and Kathy Flood, ASNC CEO. #AMA #AMA24 #AMA2024 #AMAHOD #ASNC

ASNC supports AMA effort to limit use of AI in prior authorization decisions

The American Society of Nuclear Cardiology (ASNC) supports an AMA policy that condemns the use AI to make prior authorization decisions rather than a doctor or clinician.

There has been a growing shortage of cardiologists the past several years, but this has accelerated due to burnout from the pandemic, falling reimbursements and increasing administrative burdens. This prompted a joint session on this topic with the ACC and the Heart Rhythm Society at HRS 2024, with ACC President Cathie Biga, MSN, FACC, president and CEO of Cardiovascular Management of Illinois, former ACC president Ed Fry, MD, chair of the Ascension National Cardiovascular Service Line, and EP Parin Patel.

Addressing staffing shortages in cardiology

ACC President Cathie Biga, MSN, RN, Edward Fry, MD, and electrophysiologist Parin Patel, MD, discuss the growing cardiologist shortage.

AMA wants insurers to be accountable when prior authorization harms patients

The American Medical Association (AMA) House of Delegates this week approved two policies aimed at increasing insurer accountability and transparency amid an explosion of prior authorization requirements.