Business Intelligence

Providers utilize business intelligence to monitor referral patterns and collaborate with clinicians who order their services. Such analytics tools have also been deployed in the specialty to improve productivity, track patient satisfaction and bolster quality.

Dartmouth, GraniteOne merger is dead

The news comes after the New Hampshire Attorney General's Office issued a report that it objected to the merger on the basis that it violates New Hampshire law.

‘The debate continues’: Steroid injections to arthritic knees and hips found significantly safer than previously shown

Of 1,000 patients injected with corticosteroids under fluoroscopic guidance at an academic medical center over a 4½-year period, only 10 experienced serious complications within a year. 

Researchers receive fresh $11M to continue cracking post-TBI epilepsy

Structural brain abnormalities detected by MRI are among the risk factors the funded researchers will identify as novel biomarkers.

Academic surveyors find 56% of consumers anticipate better healthcare through AI

More than 40% of Americans are generally OK with the thought of AI reading their chest x-rays. Moreover, some 12.3% are very comfortable with the prospect.

Frontline perspectives on the CT contrast shortage: 5 notable quotes

U.S. healthcare is now a solid week into the CT contrast shortage of ’22, and common themes are emerging in adaptations at local hospitals and imaging centers.

#imagingequipment #cybersecurity #databreaches

Israel’s famously innovative healthcare system struggles to secure imaging devices

In some cases hospital staff kept no watch over outside-looking-in connections between manufacturers and scanners.

Implantable heart stimulator conditionally cleared for MRI

The FDA has OK’d the use of MR imaging for patients implanted with an autonomic heart-stimulation device as long as the device’s labeled guidelines are followed at the imaging site.


VIDEO: Embracing Collaboration Among Disparate Radiology Groups

Lisa Mead, PSO executive director, Strategic Radiology, spoke at the Radiology Business Management Association (RBMA) 2022 meeting on her organization's experience collaborating with a large number of radiology groups.