Business Intelligence

Providers utilize business intelligence to monitor referral patterns and collaborate with clinicians who order their services. Such analytics tools have also been deployed in the specialty to improve productivity, track patient satisfaction and bolster quality.

best in the world

Meet 23 of the ‘world’s best companies’ working in U.S. healthcare or health insurance

After assessing measures of revenue growth, employee satisfaction and attention paid to “ESG” issues, Time magazine and Statista are hailing 750 companies as the best in the world.

private equity in healthcare

Healthcare systems vs. private equity: If you can’t beat them, join them?

Physician groups mulling buyout offers from private equity firms often simultaneously entertain alignment opportunities with healthcare systems, including not-for-profits. For this reason, hospitals do well to stay competitive for finite clinical talent.

Industry Watcher’s Digest

Buzzworthy developments of the past few days.

artificial intelligence

Provider execs are feeling pushed by AI buzz—and starting to do something about it

Almost 80% of provider organizations spent more on IT systems and software this year than last, yet only 6% have a plan in hand to incorporate generative AI into their digital ecosystem.

doctor telehealth computer screen

The telehealth paradox—and where the ‘revolution’ must go from here

Three business professors believe the post-COVID “telehealth revolution” could work against its own implied promise to broaden care access.


High profits, consistent growth: Shockwave Medical seen as a ‘must-buy’ stock

Shockwave and two other healthcare companies in the cardiovascular health space are considered attractive options for investors looking to expand their portfolios. 

radiology structured reporting data mining

Data mining of structured radiology reports yields advantageous insights

Datapoints contained in structured radiology reports can be readily mined to guide decisions around long-term clinical, business and population-health aims. 

Medicare alternative payment models fee for service value based care

Unavoidability of ‘one-off’ imaging forces radiology to keep one foot in fee-for-service world

Radiology can participate only sporadically in CMS’s current conception of value-based care. Why?