Business Intelligence

Providers utilize business intelligence to monitor referral patterns and collaborate with clinicians who order their services. Such analytics tools have also been deployed in the specialty to improve productivity, track patient satisfaction and bolster quality.

Debunking the Primary Myths of PACS

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The road to PACS perfection is paved with distractions and pitfalls, Paul Chang, MD, FSIIM, says. Chang is professor of radiology, vice chair of radiology informatics, and medical director of enterprise imaging at University of Chicago Medical Center in Illinois. During the 2010 Dwyer Lecture, “The Role of Imaging Informatics in the Next Generation

CMS Solicits Participants for Imaging Decision-support Pilot

CMS is seeking participants for a just-announced $10 million demonstration pilot that will test the effectiveness of decision-support systems (DSSs) in curbing the utilization of 11 CT, MRI, and nuclear medicine imaging studies associated with 32 different CPT codes (Exhibit 1).

Final Meaningful Use Rule Throws Radiology Some Curves

CMS and the Office of the National Coordinator scaled back their requirements for demonstrating meaningful use of information technology in an 864-page final rule released yesterday, trimming by 20% the criteria physicians and hospitals are required to meet in order to receive HITECH funds for electronic health record system purchases.

The Industrial-strength Imaging Executive

Today’s medical-imaging profession is definitely not for the fragile and weak-kneed among our colleagues. It is becoming increasingly clear that navigating the constant changes and challenges that face the practice of radiology today will be the ultimate test of tenacity, perseverance, and creativity. We’re in the playoffs now, and the game is

Health Care’s New Financial Outlook

A window of access to capital has opened for hospitals, according to Lisa Goldstein, because of the improvement in the debt markets seen over the past six to nine months. On June 23, 2010, at the Healthcare Financial Management Association’s ANI: The Healthcare Finance Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada, Goldstein presented “Navigating the 2010

Succession Planning for Health-care Organizations

According to a 2004 study by the American College of Healthcare Executives, only 21% of 722 hospitals routinely engaged in leadership-succession planning, compared with two out of three for-profit companies in other industries. Will Powley, senior consulting manager for GE Healthcare’s Performance Solutions group, Waukesha, Wisconsin, says that

Sparking the Storage and Sharing Revolution: Symantec Health’s Lori Wright

Radiology has a storage problem, to put it lightly: Even as the data associated with a single cross-sectional imaging study increase dramatically, HIPAA requirements to ensure patient privacy remain as stringent as ever. At last year’s RSNA meeting, a new solution appeared on the horizon in the form of cloud storage—a concept that has gained

New Radiology-department Solution Opens New Doors

Sponsored by FUJIFILM Healthcare Americas

Integration has been a buzzword in the radiology community for some time, and the team at Valhalla, New York-based Westchester Medical Center (WMC) knows why. “We used to have PACS, RIS, and voice recognition all working separately from one another,” Mike Seiler, director of radiology IT at WMC, explains. “Today, they’re all tightly integrated. We