Business Intelligence

Providers utilize business intelligence to monitor referral patterns and collaborate with clinicians who order their services. Such analytics tools have also been deployed in the specialty to improve productivity, track patient satisfaction and bolster quality.

Digital Marketing To Dominate In Two Years

Reflecting a trend taking hold in many vertical sectors, digital channels will overtake traditional ones in conveying hospitals’ marketing messages, according to a survey of more than 100 hospitals and healthcare systems conducted by Farmington, Connecticut-based Acsys Interactive, an interactive marketing and development company.

Radiologists Urge Modifications To Meaningful Use Draft Guidelines

Representatives from five medical specialties—radiologists among them—last week offered their final proposed changes to the draft guidelines for Stage 2 of the U.S. government's Meaningful Use Stimulus Program. The contingent of physicians—who aside from radiologists included pathologists, ophthalmologists, surgeons, and specialists in the areas of

PCORI Names Selby Executive Director

The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI), established by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act to conduct comparative clinical effectiveness research, has named Joe V. Selby, MD, M.P.H., as its first executive director.

Medicare Trust Fund To Run Out In 2024, Report Says

Medicare’s Hospital Insurance Fund (HI Trust Fund) will be totally depleted in 2024, five years earlier than originally projected, according to the Medicare Trustees Report issued last Friday.

Health Care Job Growth Remains On Upswing

The health care sector continues to flourish, adding more than 37,000 jobs in April 2011 and 295,000 jobs since April of 2010, reveals employment data released last week by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Technology Development to Meet Market Needs: A Conversation With Mark Silverman

Sponsored by Hitachi Healthcare Americas

On April 14, 2011, Hitachi Medical Systems America, Inc (Twinsburg, Ohio), announced the FDA approval of its first 64-slice CT system, SCENARIA™. spoke with Mark Silverman, manager of CT marketing for Hitachi, about the company’s goals for the new product and the assessment of the current CT marketplace that drove its design.

Medical-image Archiving: Concerns, Methods, and Emerging Solutions

It’s no secret that health-care IT professionals are struggling to keep up with the storage demands placed on them by medical imaging. As imaging utilization continues to increase and the amount of data associated with a single image set continues to rise, maintaining a patient’s radiological history (as mandated by HIPAA) becomes more costly and

Strategic-planning Meetings for Radiology Groups: Best Practices


In today’s challenging business environment, it is more critical than ever before that radiology groups engage in strategic planning. Ironically, the same factors that make strategic planning so necessary to a group’s survival also make it difficult to dedicate resources to the process. Those practices that do carve out the necessary time will see