Business Intelligence

Providers utilize business intelligence to monitor referral patterns and collaborate with clinicians who order their services. Such analytics tools have also been deployed in the specialty to improve productivity, track patient satisfaction and bolster quality.

Study Shows More Research Needed on CDSS Question

Just how is anyone supposed to tell whether clinical decision support systems (CDSSs) are achieving their intended goals if not enough people are using them? Researchers from Duke University set out to prove the case for adoption of CDSSs "outside of experienced academic centers," and published the results of their investigation in The Annals of

CT Scans Valuable to Current and Former Smokers, Says ALA

If you smoke or have smoked, a CT scan could save your life by helping in the early detection of lung cancer, says the American Lung Association (ALA); in 80-90 percent of cases, a lung cancer patient has been a smoker.

U of Arkansas Medical Breach Potentially Compromises Radiology Patients' Data

A doctor at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) failed to properly anonymize patient records he e-mailed to a a billing specialist, resulting in a breach of patient information that has the Little Rock, AR, school scrambling to investigate the depth of the breach. “On April 6, UAMS discovered that the data did in fact contain

American Lung Association Issues New Guidelines Favoring Chest CT

A critical component in getting more private insurers and possibly even Medicare to cover low-dose chest CT for lung cancer screening for current and former heavy smokers has arrived. The influential American Lung Association (ALA) has revised its guidelines on lung cancer screening to favor chest CT over chest X-ray.

UI Radiology Prof Drops Suit, Lawyer, Prepares for Disciplinary Hearing

The tumultuous, two-year case of suspended University of Iowa radiology professor Malik Juweid, 50, appears to be drawing to its conclusion, as Juweid has abandoned both his legal counsel and his suit.

ACR Image Metrix Names Perlman New CMO

ACR Image Metrix, the contract research organization and for-profit subsidiary of the American College of Radiology, (ACR) has a new CMO.

Radiographer-Turned-Fashion Designer Knits Inspiration from Brain Scans

Fashion designer-cum-radiographer Brooke Roberts found a creative use for discarded x-ray calibration films, and her new line of women's fashion reflects the cerebral nature of her inspiration.

Canadian Scientists Develop Imaging-Guided Surgical "Lightsaber"

The Ottawa Citizen reports that Queen's University researchers have developed a highly accurate, imaging-based laser surgery technique that will allow surgeons to "see below the surface" of an incision.