Business Intelligence

Providers utilize business intelligence to monitor referral patterns and collaborate with clinicians who order their services. Such analytics tools have also been deployed in the specialty to improve productivity, track patient satisfaction and bolster quality.

Radiology and Social Media: A Tale of Two Practices


This article is third in a three-part series. To read the first article in the series, click here; to read the second, click here.

Patient Portals Unlock New Service Levels for Radiology


This article is the third in a four-part series. To read part one, click here; to read part two, click here.

Patient-centered Care, Technology, and the Imaging Center: ProScan Imaging


In September, ProScan Imaging, which owns a network of 25 imaging centers in seven states, became the first organization in the world to install the high-field Echelon Oval 1.5T MRI system from Hitachi Medical Systems. Featuring an oval-shaped bore that measures 74 cm, the Echelon Oval reflects the growing trend toward patient centricity in imaging

Optimizing the Vendor-neutral Archive for Enterprise Use: UVA Health System

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No health-care enterprise wants to make an enormous investment in technology for image storage, only to find it outdated and in need of an upgrade. The vendor-neutral archive has been proposed as a natural antidote to this problem, but an archive alone is, increasingly, not enough—particularly for large academic institutions that intend to improve

Proposed CMS Changes to the Cost-of-capital Assumption: Analysis


For 2012, CMS proposed a reduction in the cost-of-capital (or interest-rate) assumption used in the development of the cost-of-equipment estimates that are included in the practice-expense component of the RVU calculations. Historically, CMS has used an interest-rate assumption of 11%. Based on the current prime rate and maximum interest rates for

Cloud-based RIS/PACS Reaches the Mainstream


Cloud-based technologies have been relatively slow to penetrate the health-care IT market, but several advances in technology—as well as federal programs that encourage the adoption of interoperable solutions—are changing that, according to Vijay Ramanathan, CEO and cofounder of RamSoft Inc. “The biggest trend that is driving cloud computing, in

Monopoly Money


You know how good it feels. You finally did the right trade and now own Boardwalk and Park Place. Everyone who has the misfortune of landing on your block of expensive property pays through the roof, and you smile all the way to the bank. It is great fun owning a monopoly—unless, of course, you have those pesky regulators at your back, asking

Canopy Partners Adds Randolph Hospital to Regional Imaging Archive

Canopy Partners announced that Randolph Hospital in Asheboro is joining the company’s growing regional database of archived radiology images. Diagnostic tests performed at the hospital will now be more readily accessible to thousands of area physicians.