Business Intelligence

Providers utilize business intelligence to monitor referral patterns and collaborate with clinicians who order their services. Such analytics tools have also been deployed in the specialty to improve productivity, track patient satisfaction and bolster quality.

Revolution of Thought

A beloved professor of mine once told me that the value of a liberal-arts education was not in learning what to think, but in learning how to think. I have remembered this maxim often in the years since I finished being formally educated; I’m not sure anyone is ever done learning how to think, no matter how many years of schooling he or she has had

Accuray Reports Decline in Revenue for Second Quarter

Accuray Inc., a radiation oncology company, reported declines in revenue for the second quarter of fiscal 2013 in its latest financials

Congress Acts to Address Helium Shortage

A bi-partisan bill to prevent the Federal Helium Reserve from closing this year and make helium prices more fair has been introduced in the House of Representatives

Permanent SGR Fix Legislation Introduced

When the latest CBO report on Medicare spending growth dropped the price tag on a permanent SGR fix by $100 billion, legislators jumped on this discount "doc" fix

New Legislation Introduced to Repeal Medical Device Tax

Minnesota legislators are again taking up the effort to repeal the medical device tax in the Affordable Care Act

ARRT Responds to Hep C Lawsuit: We Conducted “A Reasonable Investigation”

A New Hampshire judge sharply disagreed in ruling to allow patients infected with hepatitis C by an ARRT-certified technologist to seek damages from the ARRT

CMS Unconvinced by Beta Amyloid PET Imaging

Last week, the CMS held a meeting to discuss coverage for Amyvid, a beta-amyloid PET imaging agent used for detecting neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

New CT Scanner Improves Image Quality With Reduced Radiation

NIH researchers and Toshiba engineers developed a new computed tomography (CT) scanner with improved image quality and substantially reduced radiation