Enterprise Imaging

Enterprise imaging brings together all imaging exams, patient data and reports from across a healthcare system into one location to aid efficiency and economy of scale for data storage. This enables immediate access to images and reports any clinical user of the electronic medical record (EMR) across a healthcare system, regardless of location. Enterprise imaging (EI) systems replace the former system of using a variety of disparate, siloed picture archiving and communication systems (PACS), radiology information systems (RIS), and a variety of separate, dedicated workstations and logins to view or post-process different imaging modalities. Often these siloed systems cannot interoperate and cannot easily be connected. Web-based EI systems are becoming the standard across most healthcare systems to incorporate not only radiology, but also cardiology (CVIS), pathology and dozens of other departments to centralize all patient data into one cloud-based data storage and data management system.

lung cancer pulmonary nodule chest

Analysis finds significant variation in radiologists’ follow-up recommendations for lung nodules

Such unwarranted fluctuations could have downstream implications affecting repeat imaging, medical costs and quality, Brigham and Women's experts noted.

Sectra takes home 5 ‘Best in KLAS’ awards in PACS and digital pathology

The company has been named No. 1 in customer satisfaction for the eighth year in a row.


New database of FDA-cleared algorithms helps radiologists quickly navigate complex AI environment

The American College of Radiology's catalog includes 111 class 2 medical imaging algorithms searchable by company, modality, subspeciality, and more.


Workload fatigue is harming radiology residents’ reporting, declining as the hours, days elapse

Small lunch breaks throughout a shift, however, temporarily bucked this trend, according to a study of 117,000 reports, published in Radiology.


Integrating patient image viewer with EHR portal produces nearly sevenfold increase in access

While many still use CDs for data sharing, one medical center is making tremendous strides with online access via its electronic health record.


As healthcare transitions toward value, radiologists need renewed focus on tumor reporting

Tumor size is "essential" data for oncology studies and imaging professionals are the most qualified and appropriate person for the job, one editorialist explained.


Radiologists, emergency physicians see eye-to-eye when using common reporting language

Providers at Madigan Army Medical Center in Washington shared a "high degree" of understanding for 17 of 18 commonly used phrases, researchers explained in AJR.

Providers and payers unite in blasting ‘hastily constructed’ CMS final rule to simplify prior authorization

The Medical Group Management Association called the legislation a "failure" for excluding fee-for-service Medicare and most commercial plans.