Enterprise Imaging

Enterprise imaging brings together all imaging exams, patient data and reports from across a healthcare system into one location to aid efficiency and economy of scale for data storage. This enables immediate access to images and reports any clinical user of the electronic medical record (EMR) across a healthcare system, regardless of location. Enterprise imaging (EI) systems replace the former system of using a variety of disparate, siloed picture archiving and communication systems (PACS), radiology information systems (RIS), and a variety of separate, dedicated workstations and logins to view or post-process different imaging modalities. Often these siloed systems cannot interoperate and cannot easily be connected. Web-based EI systems are becoming the standard across most healthcare systems to incorporate not only radiology, but also cardiology (CVIS), pathology and dozens of other departments to centralize all patient data into one cloud-based data storage and data management system.


Flywheel to integrate Google Cloud solutions into its imaging informatics platform

Flywheel, a Minneapolis, Minnesota-based research informatics company, has announced a new partnership with Google Cloud to provide researchers an increased selection of solutions through its platform.

Philips spotlights latest iteration of IntelliSpace Enterprise Edition at HIMSS 2019

Royal Philips announced it has expanded its IntelliSpace Enterprise Edition, which combines Philips Radiology, Cardiology portfolios and PerformanceBridge, to now include the new IntelliSpace Precision Medicine Oncology, IntelliSpace Precision Medicine Genomics and IntelliSpace Exchange solutions. 


Natural language processing pulls UT stone findings from radiology reports

Researchers have demonstrated the use of natural language processing (NLP) to identify urinary-tract stones in positive radiology reports on CT scans of the kidneys, ureter and bladder. 

Fujifilm Exhibits Enterprise Imaging Solutions and Artificial Intelligence Initiative at HIMSS 2019

Fujifilm will showcase its enterprise imaging and informatics solutions at the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society's (HIMSS) Global Conference.


Prostate MRI scoring system can standardize reporting, improve decision-making

“Integration of a scoring system into structured prostate MRI reports could be of great value to clinical research as well as routine clinical care...," wrote authors of a new study published in the American Journal of Roentgenology, which examined how background signal-intensity changes affect prostate cancer detection.


AI helps researchers classify unstructured radiology reports

A recurrent neural network (RNN) can be trained to automatically classify important findings in unstructured radiology reports, according to new research published in the American Journal of Roentgenology

INFINITT PACS ranked No. 1 Category Leader by KLAS Research in 2 categories

INFINITT North America announced Friday, Feb. 1, that its INFINITT PACS has been ranked as the No. 1 Category Leader in the PACS Community Hospital and PACS Imaging Centers/Ambulatory categories by KLAS Research.


Carestream takes home ‘Best in KLAS’ in 2 categories

Carestream Health announced Thursday, Jan. 31, that its solutions have been named ‘Best in KLAS’ in two different categories.