Structural Heart Disease

Structural heart diseases include any issues preventing normal cardiovascular function due to damage or alteration to the anatomical components of the heart. This is caused by aging, advanced atherosclerosis, calcification, tissue degeneration, congenital heart defects and heart failure. The most commonly treated areas are the heart valves, in particular the mitral and aortic valves. These can be replaced through open heart surgery or using cath lab-based transcatheter valves or repairs to eliminate regurgitation due to faulty valve leaflets. This includes transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR). Other common procedures include left atrial appendage (LAA) occlusion and closing congenital holes in the heart, such as PFO and ASD. A growing area includes transcatheter mitral repair or replacement and transcatheter tricuspid valve repair and replacement.

A TAVR procedure being performed at Northwestern Medicine in Chicago. These structural heart procedures require a team approach.

TAVR outcomes take a hit when patients present with heart failure or hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

In-hospital mortality was especially high among TAVR patients presenting with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, according to a new analysis.

TricValve Transcatheter Bicaval Valves System P+F Products + Features GmbH

TricValve device proven safe and effective after 6 months for patients with severe symptomatic TR

The study's authors explored data from 35 patients who received the TricValve Transcatheter Bicaval Valves System. All patients presented with severe tricuspid regurgitation.

Brijeshwar Maini, MD, FACC, structural heart cardiologist, national and Florida medical director of cardiology, explains his decision to leave clinical practice in the near future to become a full-time cardiac device manufacture business owner. It is a path several prominent cardiologists have made.

VIDEO: How this cardiologist became a full-time inventor and entrepreneur

Brijeshwar Maini, MD, explains his decision to leave clinical practice to become a full-time cardiac device business owner. It is a path several prominent cardiologists have made.

Cardiothoracic surgeons perform UCSF's first robotic mitral valve surgery. A 3D camera allows surgeons to see the mitral valve and other structures inside the heart. Surgeons use a robotic surgical system to guide the robotic arms and movements of the surgical instruments.

Surgeons praise mobility, precision of robotically assisted mitral valve procedure

“Robotically assisted mitral valve surgery allows us to make even smaller incisions with greater precision,” one surgeon said. “By using the robotic arms, we have more degrees of articulation than with our natural wrists."

Mitral and_tricuspid transcatheter valves Evoque and Intrepid were discussed at TVT 2022.

VIDEO: Advances in transcatheter tricuspid and mitral valve technology

Anita W. Asgar, MD, director, transcatheter valve therapy research at Montréal Heart Institute, discusses advances and new technology for mitral and tricuspid valves at the 2022 Transcatheter Valve Therapies (TVT) meeting. 

AI Eko smart stethoscope machine learning heart murmurs adult pediatric patients FDA clearance

FDA clears Eko’s latest AI model for heart murmurs

The algorithm works with Eko's smart stethoscopes to help physicians identify and diagnose structural heart murmurs. 

Adam Greenbaum, MD, transcatheter electrosurgery to prevent left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT) obstruction using a new procedure called Septal Scoring Along the Midline Endocardium (SESAME). The transcatheter procedure mimicking surgical myotomy.

VIDEO: Transcatheter myectomy to prevent LVOT obstruction in mitral valve replacement

Adam Greenbaum, MD, explains how transcatheter electrosurgery can be used to prevent left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT) obstruction using a new procedure called Septal Scoring Along the Midline Endocardium (SESAME).


Patients can safely undergo noncardiac surgeries after TAVR without a long delay

However, the study’s authors did find associations between suboptimal TAVR procedures and adverse outcomes.