Heart Health

This news channel includes content on cardiovascular disease prevention, cardiac risk stratification, diagnosis, screening programs, and management of major risk factors that include diabetes, hypertension, diet, life style, cholesterol, obesity, ethnicity and socio-economic disparities.


Nighttime trips to toilet may warn of high blood pressure

People who reported waking up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom were 40 percent more likely to have hypertension, according to a study presented March 30 at the Japanese Circulation Society’s annual scientific meeting.

Icosapent ethyl, dapagliflozin gain ground in diabetes care recommendations

The American Diabetes Association (ADA) issued updates to its 2019 Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes on March 27 in light of recent evidence surrounding icosapent ethyl and dapagliflozin.


Lifetime risk of hypertension exceeds 85% for African-Americans

More than 85 percent of African-American men and women are likely to develop hypertension in their lifetimes based on the new cutoff for high blood pressure established in the 2017 U.S. guidelines, researchers reported March 27 in JAMA Cardiology.

Most statin-eligible patients not on the drug say it was never offered

Nearly 60 percent of patients who met guideline-based criteria for statin therapy but weren’t taking the cholesterol-lowering drugs said they were never offered one, according to a study published March 27 in the Journal of the American Heart Association.


Two-drug combos built around amlodipine control BP in African study

In the largest-ever randomized trial of antihypertensive drug treatment in sub-Saharan Africa, two medication combinations including the long-acting calcium channel blocker amlodipine outperformed a third two-drug combination featuring a diuretic and an angiotensin-converting-enzyme (ACE) inhibitor.


Renal denervation sustains BP reduction for 6 months in sham-controlled trial

Hypertensive patients from the RADIANCE-HTN SOLO trial who received renal denervation sustained a lower blood pressure through six months compared to participants randomized to a sham procedure, despite being placed on fewer antihypertensive medications during follow-up.


REDUCE-IT shows 30% drop in total MACE with icosapent ethyl

NEW ORLEANS — A new analysis considering not only a patient's first cardiovascular event—but the second, third and beyond—paints the REDUCE-IT trial in an even more positive light. 


Diabetes, hypertension cause 64% of end-stage kidney disease cases

The CDC has released a new fact sheet on the burden of chronic kidney disease (CKD) in the U.S., highlighting its relationship to cardiovascular disease and noting that 15 percent of American adults—or 37 million people—have CKD.