Heart Health

This news channel includes content on cardiovascular disease prevention, cardiac risk stratification, diagnosis, screening programs, and management of major risk factors that include diabetes, hypertension, diet, life style, cholesterol, obesity, ethnicity and socio-economic disparities.


Web-based resource helps consumers make key decisions about statin use

Researchers tracked data from 500 participants who completed a web-based evaluation in their home.


FDA, FTC warn 10 companies for making ‘fraudulent claims’ about unapproved diabetes supplements

Each company is believed to be in violation of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act. They have 15 working days to respond. 

Older patients benefit from aggressive blood pressure management

The study also provides new evidence that patients can gain a better understanding of their blood pressure when they monitor it regularly at home. 


Moderate coffee consumption lowers risk of heart disease, stroke, death

Researchers believe this may be the largest study of its kind. 


ASCVD events, death more likely when patients ignore statin recommendations

These findings have important clinical implications for ASCVD prevention.


Why AFib patients should exercise regularly

Recurrent AFib episodes were much less likely when patients participated in a six-month exercise program. 


Consuming large amounts of meat may increase your risk of CVD, heart disease

Researchers tracked data from the UK Biobank study, presenting their findings at ESC Congress 2021.  


USPSTF updates recommendations for diabetes screening, advising patients to be evaluated at a younger age

Clinicians, the USPSTF wrote, should work to help any patients diagnosed with prediabetes seek out preventive interventions.