Heart Health

This news channel includes content on cardiovascular disease prevention, cardiac risk stratification, diagnosis, screening programs, and management of major risk factors that include diabetes, hypertension, diet, life style, cholesterol, obesity, ethnicity and socio-economic disparities.


Study links early onset menopause, type 2 diabetes

Women who experience menopause before age 40 are twice as likely to develop type 2 diabetes (T2D) than those who reach menopause at a more normal age, according to research presented at the European Association for the Study of Diabetes’ annual conference in Berlin last week.


Appetite suppressant lorcaserin shrinks probability of incident diabetes

Lorcaserin, an appetite suppressant approved for chronic weight management in 2012, reduced overweight patients’ risk for developing type 2 diabetes (T2D) and improved remission of hyperglycemia in a study of more than 12,000 Massachusetts residents, researchers reported.


3 days of home BP monitoring enough to confirm hypertension diagnosis

Three days’ worth of home blood pressure monitoring (HBPM) data is enough to confirm a diagnosis of clinical hypertension and initiate treatment, according to research published in the Journal of the American Heart Association.


Southern diet singled out as top factor for racial gap in hypertension

Adherence to a “Southern diet” may be the biggest driver of racial disparities in hypertension rates among black and white adults in the U.S., according to a prospective cohort study published Oct. 2 in JAMA.


Report: Sexual assault, harassment raises women’s risk for hypertension

The consequences of sexual harassment and assault—the former of which up to 81 percent of women say they’ve experienced at some point in their lifetime—aren’t just mental, according to a study presented at the North American Menopause Society symposium in San Diego. They’re also physical, putting women at a higher risk for hypertension and sleep disorders.


Swings in metabolic measures linked to cardiovascular events

Metabolic parameters like body weight, blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels are established risk factors for cardiovascular disease. But a new study suggests it’s not just abnormal measures of these components that portend risk—significant fluctuations in these areas are independently linked to all-cause mortality, heart attack and stroke among otherwise healthy people.


How vitamin B protects kidney health in kids with T1D

An increased intake of vitamin B, paired with routine ACE inhibitor therapy, could help protect kidney function in kids and teens with type 1 diabetes (T1D), according to a study presented at the 57th annual European Society for Pediatric Endocrinology Meeting in Athens, Greece.


‘A new paradigm’: Vascepa achieves 25% CV risk reduction in cardiac patients

Biopharmaceutical company Amarin this week announced the topline results of its REDUCE-IT trial, a global study that achieved 25 percent cardiovascular risk reduction in a population of 8,179 statin-treated adults with the daily use of Vascepa, also known as icosapent ethyl.