Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming a crucial component of healthcare to help augment physicians and make them more efficient. In medical imaging, it is helping radiologists more efficiently manage PACS worklists, enable structured reporting, auto detect injuries and diseases, and to pull in relevant prior exams and patient data. In cardiology, AI is helping automate tasks and measurements on imaging and in reporting systems, guides novice echo users to improve imaging and accuracy, and can risk stratify patients. AI includes deep learning algorithms, machine learning, computer-aided detection (CAD) systems, and convolutional neural networks. 


VR headsets bring NFL experience to patients

Patients at UCHealth locations throughout Colorado now have the opportunity to experience NFL games up close and personal—all without missing a single treatment.


Startups roll out AI-powered burnout buster for physicians

Two established AI startups are partnering to supply a digital toolkit for physicians at risk of burnout. The companies’ aim is to offer these doctors various prevention and treatment resources any place, any time. 


AI, brain MRI combine to improve detection of ADHD

More than 6.1 million children were diagnosed with ADHD in 2016. Despite these numbers, there is no single test or imaging exam that can confidently diagnose a patient.


FDA to probe public risks of AI’s ever-growing role in radiology

The federal agency responsible for clearing new artificial intelligence algorithms wants to better understand the pitfalls of this technology’s burgeoning use in imaging. 


AI reads digital pathology slides to help improve cancer outcomes

The tool, detailed in an EBioMedicine study published last month, can sift through the multitudes of cells in a tissue sample and identify tumors’ growth patterns, along with other highly useful information for predicting health outcomes.


FDA announces public workshop on AI in radiology

The public workshop will take place this upcoming February and will discuss computer-aided detection and diagnosis software, computer-aided triage systems and image quality enhancement algorithms, among other topics.


XRHealth launches VR/AR platform to connect doctors with patients

XRHealth has developed a new platform that allows physicians and their patients to communicate directly using virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR).


Deep learning with nuke med quantifies prostate gland uptake, predicts cancer survival

European researchers have trained and validated an algorithm for quantifying prostate measurements on PET/CT scans.