Diagnostic Imaging

Radiologists use diagnostic imaging to non-invasively look inside the body to help determine the causes of an injury or an illness, and confirm a diagnosis. Providers use many imaging modalities to do so, including CT, MRI, X-ray, Ultrasound, PET and more.

fMRI reveals nerve stimulation could ease emotional, physical pain in PTSD patients

The FDA has approved nerve stimulation for treatment of episodic and chronic cluster headaches and acute migraines. The findings, detailed in a study published online Feb. 13 in PLOS ONE, could help personalize treatment for PTSD, which according to the National Institute of Mental Health impacts roughly 3.6 percent of U.S. adults per year. 

February 20, 2019

NIH-funded study IDs potential MRI biomarker for psychosis

The imaging technique has proven reliable in detecting neuron loss in people with neurodegenerative illnesses, but now can serve as a marker of dopamine function in those without neurodegenerative disorders. It also provides many advantages over conventional invasive methods or modalities requiring radiation exposure, such as PET.

February 19, 2019

CT study yields good news for children with muscle cancer

Aggressive treatment is not warranted in patients with pediatric rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS), a malignant soft tissue tumor in the muscle tissue of children, according to a multi-site analysis of CT scans published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology.

February 14, 2019

Surveillance imaging after MRI-guided breast biopsy varies by institution, radiologist

“Attempts to reduce this variation through clear guidelines and standardization may avoid confusion among referring physicians and patients, improve allocation of limited imaging resources, and reduce inconvenience to patients," wrote lead author Bhavika K. Patel, MD, of the Mayo Clinic in Phoenix, and colleagues in a recent study published in the Journal of the American College of Radiology. 

February 13, 2019

Quantitative imaging of breast tumors, parenchyma may improve breast cancer diagnosis

“Because breast parenchyma may reflect the biologic risk factors associated with breast cancer development, yielding the stromal parenchyma as an indicator of precancer, the combination of parenchyma and tumor characteristics may provide a stronger predictive model of malignancy,” lead author Hui Li, PhD, and colleagues wrote in a new study published in Radiology

February 12, 2019

Mammography, improved treatment prevented up to 614K breast cancer deaths over last 3 decades 

Since 1989, the combination of mammography and improved breast cancer treatment has averted hundreds of thousands of breast cancer mortalities for U.S. women, according to new research published online Feb. 11 in the journal Cancer.

February 11, 2019

Ex-smoker's CT scan reveals rare lung cancer mimicking asthma

“This case emphasized the importance of a high index of suspicion in an unusual presentation of a common disease and the pivotal role of bronchoscopic intervention in malignant central airway obstruction,” Abdul Hanif Khan, MD, and colleagues wrote, in a new case report published by The BMJ.

February 6, 2019

Radiologists can confidently use LI-RADS 2018 in patients at high-risk for HCC

A group of researchers from the Republic of Korea found the 2018 Liver Imaging and Reporting Data System (LI-RADS) could accurately differentiate hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) from other malignancy in patients with liver cirrhosis, according to a study published Jan. 29 in Radiology.

February 1, 2019