Radiation Oncology

Radiation therapy uses high-energy radiation to damage cancer cells' DNA and destroy their ability to divide and grow. It is delivered using linear accelerators, proton accelerators, metered cobalt-60 exposure, or brachytherapy where radioactive seeds are placed inside the patient on a temporary or permanent basis to kill cancer or relieve pain. The main radiation oncology society and annual conference is the American Society of Radiation Oncology (ASTRO).


Simple CT metric predicts treatment-induced kidney impairment in prostate cancer patients

Though effective, Lu-177 radioligland therapy is not without side effects, some of which can be severe.

Proteins in tardigrades could help prevent radiation-induced side effects.

Tiny 'water bears' may hold key to reducing radiation-induced side effects

These animals are virtually indestructible and have long outlived the dinosaurs due to their ability to withstand extreme cold, heat, natural disasters and even cosmic radiation.

Orano Med breaks ground on $265M thorium production site

The new 7,000-square-meter plant is located in France and will begin production of thorium-228, necessary for the development of isotopes used in cancer treatments. 


MRI guidance significantly reduces radiotherapy side effects compared to CT

A recent comparison of the two modalities’ utility for guiding radiation therapy for prostate cancer shows numerous benefits for MRI over CT.

Novel imaging technique could be used to tailor glioblastoma treatment

It allows providers to quantify changes in tumor size throughout patients’ treatment in real-time, providing early indications of efficacy and enabling adjustments as needed.

Post-mastectomy radiation therapy can be safely shortened prior to breast reconstruction

New research suggests that treatment regimens can be nearly halved without increasing the risk of recurrence or complications further down the road. 


More and more radiation therapy jobs going unfilled

As part of efforts to address staffing shortages, the American Society of Radiologic Technologists is holding a virtual career fair focused on radiation therapy jobs on Sept. 26.

New BAT lead garment better protects healthcare workers from radiation exposure.

Doc develops lead garment that drastically reduces radiation exposure to vulnerable areas

The vest offers extended coverage of the breast, axilla and thyroid. It is said to reduce exposure of these areas by nearly 98%.