
Enlitic Scan

Data Standardization Beyond DICOM: Why Enterprise Imaging Needs It Now

Data standardization in medical imaging has evolved from a technical necessity to a strategic imperative, requiring an ontology-level approach to patient studies for optimization. According to Radiologist Cheryl Petersilge and CIO Matt Dewey, hospitals and imaging groups are increasingly implementing advanced standardization solutions. The benefits are significant, including greater radiologist efficiency, improved access to imaging exams, and increased accuracy in both human and AI-driven interpretations. 


AI Enabled Workflow and Data Migration Solutions 

Data migration is an opportunity to enhance data quality, a critical priority for radiology. Effective migration ensures correct, complete and consistent data, streamlining workflows and improving user satisfaction. Prioritizing data quality can transform routine processes into strategic advantages. 

Cloud computers

Start with Simple: Make Your Data Work for You

Enlitic's Laitek acquisition revolutionizes imaging data migrations with standardization, enhancing data quality and PACS value. This approach corrects and consistently labels studies, simplifying configuration. It transforms the migration landscape. For more details visit enlitic.com

Brain Scan

Enhance Your Workflows with AI

ENDEX data standardization ensures your medical images are correct, complete, and consistently labeled so that workflows such as radiologist reporting, AI orchestration and cohort development happens efficiently. Hanging protocols will work, worklists will be accurate, and staff will be productive.

Enlitic Value Pyramid

Make Your Data Work for You

The Value Realization Pyramid helps healthcare providers maximize tech investments through quality data, efficient workflows, and data-driven decisions. It emphasizes data accuracy, workflow optimization, and executive empowerment for improved data quality and strategic planning. 

Enlitic Value Pyramid

Unlocking Value in Healthcare with the Value Realization Pyramid

The Value Realization Pyramid is designed to help healthcare providers derive value from their technological investments by leveraging high-quality data. It emphasizes standardized data driving efficient workflows enterprise-wide. Executives are empowered to make data-driven decisions and can optimize operations and achieve strategic goals.

Enlitic Graphic

Demystifying Data Monetization in Medical Imaging

Data has become the new currency driving innovation and progress across various industries. However, data monetization is perceived as a taboo subject, something full of ethical concerns and privacy issues. We’d like to challenge this notion and explore how data monetization can be a force for good.